Faculty Affairs

Assignments & Annual Evaluations

Archivum is accessible through the website as well as the Archivum app for and

Archivum My Faculty History - Faculty User Guide

Archivum Faculty Assignments - Faculty User Guide v1.3

Archivum Faculty Assignments - Administrator (Chair/Director/Liaison) User Guide v1.4

Archivum Faculty Annual Evaluations
last updated in 2020

Record-Based Evaluations (RBE) were released by IT for the 2022 Annual Evaluation cycle. RBE reduces the use of Tasks. The following PDFs address the changes introduced while IT update the video instructions in the FIS Training module:
Record-Based Evaluations (RBE) Changes - Faculty v0.1
last updated 02.02.2023
Record-Based Evaluations (RBE) Changes - Administrator v0.1
last updated 02.02.2023

Contact Person:
Michelle Maldonado