
Certificate in Community Engagement

The certificate in Community Engagement provides a theoretical understanding of community engagement and an opportunity to explore the practical application of current best practices of community engagement. The certificate has been designed to develop skills, knowledge, and understanding of actively engaging communities in order to secure resources, provide human and social services, and/or evoke change. The certificate in Community Engagement is open to all students within all Colleges, regardless of major, as well as those from the community wishing to begin their academic journey.


Today’s professionals working in the nonprofit sector, acting as change agents or who are leaders of their communities, are faced with greater competition for resources within an increasingly interconnected community. This requires developing the ability to systematically design and implement processes to actively engage their communities in order to meet the needs of their stakeholders and achieve organizational objectives. This certificate emphasizes the practical applications and theoretical underpinnings of community engagement. These skills are helpful to those working in a variety of settings, including nonprofits, human services agencies, educational institutions, and/or government programs.

Students completing this certificate will meet the following goals in the 4 core courses:

Goal A: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the practical application of community engagement.

Goal B: Students will understand the theory related to community engagement.

Goal C: Students will learn to develop an effective community engagement plan.                           

Goal D: Students will analyze ethical considerations of community engagement.

Goal E: Students will demonstrate professional oral communication skills. 

Goal F: Students will demonstrate competency in writing and formatting papers in a professional style.

Community Engagement consists of 18 undergraduate credits. Twelve (12) credits make up the core of the certificate program, and students may choose six (6) credits from a menu of approved electives.

Note: Students are held to all prerequisite requirements; some students may require more than 6 courses to complete this certificate.



Core Requirements (12 credits)

Contemporary Social Problems

Community Health & Social Issues

Community Organizing & Advocacy

Ethnic Groups and Minorities

Electives (6 credits)

Urban Sociology

Marriage and the Family

Contemporary Social Problems

Ethnic Groups and Minorities

Poverty and Welfare

Social Change

Society and Technology

Law & Practice in Human Services

Sociology of Disaster

Disaster and the Media

Crisis Communications

Environmental Sociology

Human Trafficking

Social Deviance

Child Abuse: Recognition and Investigation

Sociological Perspectives of Delinquency

Working in the Helping Professions

Case Management

Social Psychology

Interpersonal Communication Skills

Community Psychology

Group Dynamics

Disability Issues

Crisis Intervention

Families and Crisis

Addictive Behavior

Psychology of Leadership

Introduction to Conflict Management

Mediation Skills

Corrections and Rehabilitation

Juvenile Justice

Women and Crime

Correctional Rehabilitation: Problems/Alternatives

Criminal Profiling

Community Corrections

Organized Crime

Domestic Violence


Hostage Takers

Victims of Crime

Community Policing

Topics in CRJ: Elder Abuse

African American Heritage and Culture: A Local Perspective

The Black Woman

Hispanic Culture and Enrichment

Public Policy and Social Issues

Criminal Justice Policy

Education Policy

Energy and Environmental Policy

Health Care Policy

Intro to Nonprofit Agencies

Management of the Nonprofit Organization

Foundations of Fiscal Management for Nonprofit

Advocacy and Public Policy

Law & Practice in Human Services

Total Credits for Community Engagement certificate: 18

This information applies to students who enter this degree program during the 2024-2025 Academic Year. If you entered this degree program before the Fall 2023 semester, please refer to the academic catalog for the year you began your degree program.