Program Purpose
The Bachelor of Science degree program in Organizational Leadership is an interdisciplinary collaboration between the College of Business and the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. The degree utilizes a unique interdisciplinary approach to developing leadership skills that recognize trauma and toxic stress as influences on an employee's well-being and productivity. This degree also recognizes the prevalence and impact of trauma within organizations and is designed to develop leaders who have the empathy to keep employees engaged and productive. This program will emphasize innovative leadership practices, demonstrating a sensitivity around humanity. Students will gain a strong business and psychology-focused leadership foundation that will help them to break down complex ideas and behaviors relating to employees and organizations. Key areas of development will focus on leadership in a diverse and multi-cultural environment, decision-making, interpersonal relations, change management, team facilitation, and the six principles to a trauma-informed approach. Students will be prepared for a range of leadership positions in the public and private sector, healthcare, nonprofit agencies, businesses, and the service industry.
Program of Study
The Organizational Leadership courses will be offered in both an online and face-to-face format over a seven week period. Most core courses are offered in the "hybrid" format, which includes 20 hours of classroom instruction and at least 20 hours of online instruction.
Program Competencies
In addition to achieving the ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ undergraduate graduation competencies given in the Academic Information section of this catalog, each graduating student will be able to:
Minimum Grade Policy
Students pursuing a degree in Organizational Leadership are required by College of Business policy to attain a minimum grade of “C” for all program core courses.
English Composition I
English Composition II
Public Speaking
Research Writing
Business Ethics
Writing for the Media
Fundamentals of Drawing
Basic Photography
Aesthetics of Film
Culinary Arts Elective
Drama Elective
Ethnic Studies Elective
Fine Arts Elective
Foreign Language Elective
History Elective
Literature Elective
Music Elective
Philosophy Elective
Religion Elective
Fundamentals of Economics
Introduction to Psychology
Introductory Survey of Mathematics
Natural Science Elective
Integrating Excel into Business Problem Solving
Introduction to Critical Thinking
Contemporary Global Issues
Intro to Business Analytics
Principles of Management
Foundations of Innovative Leadership
Career Success Through Personal Branding
Business Communications
Global Business Management
Strategic Management
Seminar in Organizational Leadership
Applied Concepts in Accounting and Finance
Organizational Development
Human Resource Management
Business Statistics
Psychology of Leadership
Culture of the Workplace
Organizational Justice, Ethics, and Social Responsibility
Organizational and Industrial Psychology
Wellness in the Workplace
Introduction to Trauma-Informed Approaches
Business or Social and Behavioral Sciences Elective
Free Elective
The following courses or their equivalents are prerequisites for a degree in Organizational Leadership:
CTA 326 Integrating Excel into Business Problem Solving
ECO 105 Fundamentals of Economics
ENG 121 English Composition I
ENG 122 English Composition II
BBM 201 Principles of Management
MAT 205 Introductory Survey of Mathematics
BBM 307 Career Success Through Personal Branding
HRM 311 Human Resource Management
BMK 305 Marketing
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
Through Dual-Credit ADVANTAGE™, this accelerated program option allows eligible College of Business students to take up to four selected graduate-level courses in place of selected undergraduate courses and provides the opportunity to be formally accepted into the M.S. in Management or MBA graduate program prior to completion of their bachelor’s degree.
In order to be eligible, students must have completed 75 undergraduate credits and obtained an overall GPA of 3.0 or better and have specific undergraduate courses remaining in their program. Please schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor to learn if you are eligible to participate in this program and determine your concentration-specific course substitutions and requirements.
Note: These graduate-level courses will fulfill requirements for both the undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Students are required to maintain a 3.0 in all graduate programs.
This information applies to students who enter this degree program during the 2024-2025 Academic Year. If you entered this degree program before the Fall 2023 semester, please refer to the academic catalog for the year you began your degree program.