WilmU Learning Center

All 爆走黑料 instructors now have access to the new WilmU Learning Center. This is a Training Management System that will enable you to access a centralized repository of all trainings offered by the Educational Technology Department and Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE). Please review the chart below and investigate the links to extend your understanding about the WilmU Learning Center to register for required and elective workshops on the Pathways to Instructional Excellence.


– remember to use your existing @wilmu.edu email address and password to log in.

You can also logon by going first to myWilmU portal. Locate the Faculty Services Card and click on the WilmU Learning Center link.

location of the WilmU Learning Center link on the Faculty Services card

Video Tour of the WilmU Learning Center

Features of the WilmU Learning Center

Register for Ed Tech and CTE Training

Register for upcoming Canvas trainings that all faculty are required to complete. Also, sign up for other Ed Tech and CTE professional development workshops such as Kaltura, Rubric Tool, and other instructional/andragogy topics.

Register for Self Paced Training and Complete in Canvas

The self paced courses are linked to Canvas courses, where learners can view training materials and resources, complete assignments, and take quizzes.

Instantly Access your Training History

Click on Training History to see what you've done. Click on Learning Plans to download a report showing your progress on the Pathways to Instructional Excellence.

View all your notifications from the Learning Center

Click on the notifications menu to see any reminders or messages. This is a great way to find your Zoom link if you cannot locate the reminder message in your email.

Contact Information
