The Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS) in School Counseling provides opportunities for practicing school counselors to gain knowledge and skills pertinent to the needs of today’s P-12 school students. The CAS is designed to prepare practicing school counselors for current issues and trends in the profession. The CAS courses may be used as hours towards re-certification while providing focused professional development.
The CAS is a course of study that offers the opportunity to obtain an additional 18 credits. These courses are post-Master’s and cannot be taken concurrently with your regular degree courses. The post-Master’s CAS in School Counseling requires the successful completion of the following six (6) core courses (18 credits) with a grade-point average of 3.0 or higher. Courses are available in a traditional face-to-face format or an online format.
Please note that the 爆走黑料 Certificate of Advanced Study in School Counseling is not a State of Delaware license or certificate.
Introduction to Drug/Alcohol Counseling
Ethical Issues in School Counseling
Multicultural Counseling
Classification of Psychopathology
Special Education Law and the School Counselor's Role
Research Methods, Statistics, and Accountability in School Counseling
This information applies to students who enter this degree program during the 2024-2025 Academic Year. If you entered this degree program before the Fall 2023 semester, please refer to the academic catalog for the year you began your degree program.