Master of Education
The Master of Education: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education degree program is designed for educators who are interested in distinguishing themselves as accomplished, effective educators who have met the most robust standards in the profession. Innovation in teaching has become one of the most sought after skills in the teaching profession. This personalized degree program will undoubtedly enhance the pedagogical skills of the graduate. This degree program consists of two15 credit Areas of Distinction/Certificates* of the candidate's choice and interest, culminating with a Capstone Portfolio.
*If a candidate chooses the Reading Specialist, additional coursework will be required.
These “Areas of Distinction” serve to build in-demand skills with personalized learning experiences leading to more effective teaching practices in the field. Candidates actively engage in applying new skills and knowledge, sometimes within their own classroom settings, while earning an Area of Distinction. While completion of a certain degree, a course of study, or coursework may provide the opportunity to earn a salary supplement based aligned to the content or area in which the educator is employed, increments are based on . Candidates are encouraged to consult with their HR office for more details prior to enrollment.
Program Design (Choose Two 15-Credit Areas of Distinction/Certificates to make up the degree program)
Program Competencies*
The program competencies adopted for the Master of Arts Interdisciplinary Studies in Education degree program are the Model Standards for Teacher Licensing, Assessment, and Development from the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) (2011) by the Council of Chief State School Officers. The degree program is designed to enable candidates to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in the following program competency standards:
Program Competency Standard 1. Learner Development The teacher understands how children learn and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.
Program Competency Standard 2. Learning Differences The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that allow each learner to meet high standards.
Program Competency Standard 3. Learning Environments The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
Program Competency Standard 4. Content Knowledge The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to ensure mastery of the content.
Program Competency Standard 5. Applications of Content The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.
Program Competency Standard 6. Assessment The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making.
Program Competency Standard 7. Planning for Instruction The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.
Program Competency Standard 8. Instructional Strategies The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.
Program Competency Standard 9. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, and other professionals in the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.
Program Competency Standard 10. Leadership and Collaboration The teacher seeks appropriate leaderships roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, and other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.
*Some of the Areas of Distinction are aligned to additional program competency standards. See specific Areas of Distinction for more information.
Outcomes Assessment
Multiple assessments are used to determine candidate growth toward achievement of the knowledge and skills described in the Master of Arts Interdisciplinary Studies in Education degree program competencies and the college-wide graduation competencies. Performance-based assessments are used to evaluate learning activities. Goals, learning outcomes, external assignments, and assessment strategies are linked directly to program and graduation competencies as stated on each course syllabus. Other assessment strategies may include mentoring sessions and observations of candidate performance in authentic settings.
No matter how candidates personalize their degree when choosing two Areas of Distinction, they must complete MED 8804 Action Research, unless one of the Areas of Distinction chosen is E-Learning Design and Technology that houses its own capstone portfolio. This capstone course emphasizes the role of Teacher-as-Researcher and the value of conducting classroom and school-based action research. This will result in the creation of a personalized research portfolio, directly involving candidates in the process of educational improvement, a hallmark of the College of Education and Liberal Arts.
Candidates must first enroll in E-folio so that the College of Education may document mastery of program competencies. Candidates upload core program assessments into efolio and faculty determine whether a candidate has met, not met, or reached the target for the identified elements/standards. The College is held accountable for ensuring that candidates meet these standards in their education programs.
Candidates must also document teaching knowledge, performances, and dispositions through outcome assessments and the creation of a personalized capstone portfolio in MED 8806.
Data in Action
This Area of Distinction in Digital Education is designed for individuals who want to advance their knowledge and skills in current information and communication technologies. Candidates study research-based practices to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to design digital-based instruction and transform learning environments that promote student learning and engagement in digital-rich learning environments. The program addresses topics related to creativity and innovation, digital-age learning experiences and assessments, digital citizenship, and professional growth and leadership.
Program Competencies
The standards and program competencies adopted for the Digital Education program are the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS•T) issued by the (2008).
Applications in Educational Technology
Instructional Applications of Technology
Emerging Trends in Educational Technology
Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues in Educational Technology
Special Topics in Educational Technology
Education of Diverse Populations and Exceptional Children
School in a Multicultural Society
Classroom Culture and Student Behavior
Education for Equity and Social Justice
Engaging All Student in Virtual Learning Environments
The program competencies are built around the five domains of TESOL Standards. These may be referenced in their entirety through this link- .
The assessment of outcomes consists of multiple measures. Grades on assignments and for courses are the first level of assessment. The course goals, learning outcomes, and assignments are designed to address the measurement of program and graduation competencies. Candidates will take an online test of their content knowledge at the end of their program, as well as a disposition survey. A second assessment will be taking the PRAXIS II ESL Subject Test (5362) as part of their clinical coursework. A passing score of 149 is required. Praxis scores should be submitted to 爆走黑料 via ETS. They will also need to be posted in Taskstream. *Candidates must have a valid teaching license in order to enroll in this certificate.
Structure of English Language in ELL
Second Language Acquisition in ELL
Teaching Literacy for ELLs
Methods of Teaching Language Arts/English to Second Language Learners (Grades K-12)
Assessment of Second Language Learners
However, certification requirements are subject to change by the Delaware Department of Education and the Professional Standards Board. The most recent information about those requirements can be accessed at the .
Any changes in Delaware licensure and certification regulations could cause 爆走黑料 to make course and/or program adjustments in order to align with new or revised state requirements. 爆走黑料 reserves the right to change requirements to comply with any licensure/certification mandates of the Delaware Department of Education.
History of American Higher Education
Academic Research and Writing
Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education
Leadership and Ethical Decision Making in Higher Education
Current Issues and Financial Trends in Higher Education
Foundations of National Board Certification
Content Knowledge
Differentiated Instruction
Teaching Practice and Learning Environment
Effective and Reflective Practitioner
The program competencies are the .
The assessment of outcomes consists of multiple measures. Grades on assignments and for courses are the first level of assessment. The course goals, learning outcomes, and assignments are designed to address the measurement of program and graduation competencies. Candidates will take an online test of their content knowledge at the end of their program, as well as a disposition survey. PRAXIS II (5302 Reading Specialist) must be taken and passed (score of 164) prior to petitioning for the certificate. It is a requirement. Praxis scores should be submitted to 爆走黑料 via ETS. They will also need to be posted in Taskstream. *Candidates must have a valid teaching license in order to enroll in this certificate.
爆走黑料 has not made determinations for licensure in states outside of Delaware. For state-by-state contact information for inquiring about individual state licensure requirements, please visit
Process and Acquisition of Literacy
Coaching Adult Learners
Writing Assessment and Instruction (Cert Candidates, only)
Application of Strategies for Teaching Content Area Reading
Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Difficulties
Practicum in Reading
MRD 7903: This course requires a final grade of “B” or higher
The purpose of the Teacher of Students with Autism/Severe Intellectual Disabilities coursework is to prepare master’s level educators to teach children and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities, and other developmental disabilities. The goal of this Area of Distinction is to provide research/evidence based techniques and strategies to: assess students and use the results to develop goals and implement plans based on student needs and targeted outcomes. The coursework will prepare teachers to design and implement evidence based instruction aligned to alternative learning standards.
Fieldwork/clinical experiences are embedded across the coursework, enabling the teachers to demonstrate mastery of the through performance based tasks. *Candidates must have a valid initial Special Education teaching license in order to enroll in this certificate.
Introduction to Autism & Severe Disabilities
Applied Behavior Analysis
Functional Communication for Individuals with Autism and Severe Intellectual Disabilities
Methods of Instruction in Academic Standards and Functional Skills
Competency-Based Practicum in Behaviorally-Based Teaching Techniques
The purpose of the Early Childhood/Exceptional Children, Special Education Teacher coursework is to prepare educators to teach young children, birth to grade two, who demonstrate a range of disabilities or risk for disabilities. The goal of this Area of Distinction is to provide coursework in instructional and family-based assessment and early intervention, skills to collaborate with parents and professionals, strategies and techniques to differentiate instruction, and an understanding of culturally and linguistically diverse students.
Fieldwork/clinical experiences are embedded across the coursework, enabling the teachers to demonstrate mastery the through performance based tasks. *Candidates must have a valid teaching license in order to enroll in this certificate.
Educating Preschoolers with Special Needs
Assessment of Young Children
Differentiation of Instruction for Young Children
Emergent Literacy for Young Children
Teaming/Collaboration with Families & Communities
The purpose of the Special Education Teacher of Students with Disabilities coursework is to prepare educators to teach students with disabilities in grades K-12. Students with disabilities must be taught by professionals who are trained in the identification, assessment, and teaching of individuals with exceptionalities. The goal of this Area of Distinction is to provide candidates with the opportunity to complete research-based coursework with assignments and performance tasks aligned to the appropriate subject area and grade level. Candidates will gain the skills and knowledge to complete formative and summative assessments, use data to differentiate and deliver instruction, develop and implement behavior intervention plans, collaborate with IEP/504 teams, parents and professionals to meet the needs of the students.
Fieldwork/clinical experiences are embedded across the coursework, enabling the teachers to demonstrate mastery of the through performance based tasks.
*Candidates must have a valid teaching license in order to enroll in this certificate.
If selecting Autism for a second certificate (Area of Distinction), select three electives rather than two since MSE 7402 is taken in the Autism certificate. A course cannot count for two certificates.
If selecting Early Childhood Exceptional Children for a second certificate (Area of Distinction), candidates may not choose MSE 7407 as an elective.
Diagnosis/Assessment/IEP Development for Exceptionalities
Curriculum in Special Education
Diagnosis/Assessment of Reading Difficulties for Non-Reading/Literacy Majors
Legislation and Implementation of Policy and Procedure
Transition Planning & IEP Implementation for Students with Disabilities
Assistive Technology
This STEM Education Area of Distinction is designed for those who are interested in the in-depth study of pedagogical and technological knowledge and skills that are useful in implementing an integrated approach to teaching STEM concepts in the classroom. Candidates study research-based practices to acquire knowledge and skills needed for educating students in four specific disciplines: science, technology, engineering and mathematics in an interdisciplinary and applied approach.
The program competencies adopted for the certificate program reflect the and .
Curriculum Development
Problem-Based Learning
Innovations in Teaching
Professional Studies
Design, Build, and Test
The Graduate Certificate in Teacher Licensure – Elementary Education is a certificate option to empower a graduate of 爆走黑料’s Education Studies - non-licensure education degree programs to return and complete the coursework and clinical experiences required by the Delaware Department of Education to earn an initial teaching license. This certificate will consist of 15 credits of coursework: three 1 credit practicum courses (MEE 7996, 7997, 7998); 3 credits in Performance Assessment (MEE 8805); and 9 credits in Student Teaching (MEE 8801). Each practicum course requires candidates to complete 60 hours of supervised classroom experience in an approved setting which will be monitored by 爆走黑料 Practicum advisors and mentor teachers.The classroom experience will be supported by an additional 30 hours of practicum seminar sessions which are conducted by faculty members at 爆走黑料 sites. The Student Teaching experience will require 80 consecutive days of student teaching in a setting that is aligned to the candidate’s declared major.Ultimately, this certificate will provide the coursework and experience needed to be eligible to apply for an initial teaching license in the State of Delaware.
Evaluation of the proposed certificate uses the data collection framework within Watermark which is used when candidates in our licensure programs take these same courses. Key assessments are measured in these courses aligned to state and national standards. Additionally, candidates will be required to pass each course in the certificate with a C or better and take and meet the qualifying score on ETS 7811 – Elementary Education: Content Knowledge for Teaching.
This system has four broad themes: 1. Data collection to support assessment of competence for certification of candidates. 2. Data collection to assess the quality and effectiveness of programs. 3. Data collection to assess the effectiveness of the Educator Preparation Program including field experiences, clinical preparation, and partnerships. 4. Data collection to track the performance of graduates in their field of specialization.
Practicum I
Practicum II
Practicum III
Student Teaching/Internship
Performance Assessment
The Graduate Certificate in Teacher Licensure is a certificate option to empower a graduate of 爆走黑料’s Education Studies - non-licensure education degree programs to return and complete the coursework and clinical experiences required by the Delaware Department of Education to earn an initial teaching license. This certificate will consist of 15 credits of coursework: three 1 credit practicum courses (MAS 7996, 7997, 7998); 3 credits in Performance Assessment (MAS 8805); and 9 credits in Student Teaching (MAS 8801). Each practicum course requires candidates to complete 60 hours of supervised classroom experience in an approved setting which will be monitored by 爆走黑料 Practicum advisors and mentor teachers.The classroom experience will be supported by an additional 30 hours of practicum seminar sessions which are conducted by faculty members at 爆走黑料 sites. The Student Teaching experience will require 80 consecutive days of student teaching in a setting that is aligned to the candidate’s declared major.Ultimately, this certificate will provide the coursework and experience needed to be eligible to apply for an initial teaching license in the State of Delaware.
Evaluation of the proposed concentration will be based on data collected within Watermark. Key assessments are measured in these courses aligned to state and national standards. Additionally, candidates will be required to pass each course in the certificate with a C or better and take and meet the qualifying score in the appropriate Secondary Education Praxis exam as required by the Delaware Department of Education for licensure and certification.
The Graduate Certificate in Teacher Licensure is a certificate option to empower a graduate of 爆走黑料’s Education Studies - non-licensure education degree programs to return and complete the coursework and clinical experiences required by the Delaware Department of Education to earn an initial teaching license. This certificate will consist of 15 credits of coursework: three 1 credit practicum courses (MSE 7991, 7992, 7993); 3 credits in Performance Assessment (MSE 8805); and 9 credits in Student Teaching (MSE 8802). Each practicum course requires candidates to complete 60 hours of supervised classroom experience in an approved setting which will be monitored by 爆走黑料 Practicum advisors and mentor teachers. The classroom experience will be supported by an additional 30 hours of practicum seminar sessions which are conducted by faculty members at 爆走黑料 sites. The Student Teaching experience will require 80 consecutive days of student teaching in a setting that is aligned to the candidate’s declared major. Ultimately, this certificate will provide the coursework and experience needed to be eligible to apply for an initial teaching license and special education certification in the State of Delaware.
Evaluation of the proposed concentration will be based on data collected within Watermark. Key assessments are measured in these courses aligned to state and national standards. Additionally, candidates will be required to pass each course in the certificate with a C or better and take and meet the qualifying score on all praxis exams related to the area of initial certification in addition to ETS 5354 Special Education: Core Knowledge and Applications.
Practicum I in Special Education
Practicum II in Special Education
Practicum III in Special Education
Student Teaching in Special Education
Teaching and Learning Theories in Higher Education
Teaching Strategies and the Adult Learner
Assessment and Evaluation
Field Experience
The Teaching in Higher Education certificate is designed for the educator in Higher Education who holds a Master’s degree in their field of expertise and is interested in developing a better understanding of the foundation and theory of education. Candidates study research-based best practices and will develop the knowledge and skills to create a positive learning environment for student success. This certificate program offers best practices related to pedagogy and andragogy, teaching strategies and the adult learner, curriculum development, assessments, and evaluations. A 120 hour field experience is included in this certificate. Courses are available fully online.
Multiple assessments are used to determine candidate growth toward achievement of the knowledge and skills described in the Graduate Certificate and the university-wide graduation competencies. Performance-based assessments are used to evaluate projects, assignments, and research papers. Goals, learning outcomes and activities, external assignments, and assessment strategies are linked directly to program and graduation competencies as stated on each course syllabus.
Program Design
Candidates are expected to satisfactorily complete all requirements associated with the Graduate Certificate. The certificate includes 15-credits of content-specific courses related to content knowledge and skills in an interdisciplinary, applied approach.
Trauma and the Brain
Resilience and Self-Care
Leadership in Trauma-Informed Approaches
Building a Responsive Classroom
Ethical Issues in School Counseling
Family Counseling
The Counselor as Consultant
Mental Health Seminar
Qualification for Degree
To qualify for the Master of Education Interdisciplinary Studies degree, a candidate must successfully complete a minimum of 33 credit hours with a GPA of at least 3.0. The program must be completed within five years.
This information applies to students who enter this degree program during the 2024-2025 Academic Year. If you entered this degree program before the Fall 2023 semester, please refer to the academic catalog for the year you began your degree program.