The RN to BSN Pathway program is an accelerated degree-completion program designed for Registered Nurses with a bachelor’s degree in another field. This program meets the educational needs of students with an unencumbered Registered Nurse license, work experience, and a bachelor’s degree in another field returning to college to complete a BSN degree.
The program allows for the transfer of up to 90 credits, though to graduate, students must earn 120 credits. Please note: 爆走黑料’s eligibility requirements for graduation with honors include completion of 45 residency credits; therefore, BSN Pathway students who do not elect to complete additional coursework to meet this requirement are ineligible to graduate with honors.
(Including a 3-credit Statistics course)
(Will require as a pre-requisite if not taken as part of prior degree)
A minimum of 12 credits in anatomy and physiology, microbiology, physics, biology, and/or chemistry, must be earned through coursework, transfer credits, or testing (available for anatomy/physiology and microbiology).
Transition to Baccalaureate Nursing Practice
Prior to the completion of NUR 303, students must complete the mandatory credentialing process.
Quality Improvement & Technology
Leadership in Nursing Practice
Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Mandatory pre-requisite: MAT 308 or approved course transfer.
Chronic and Palliative Care
Holistic Health Assessment
This course may be completed concurrently with NUR 430.
Health Equity & Inclusion In Nursing Practice
Community and Population Health: Senior Capstone
This is the RN-BSN Capstone course which includes a community learning experience. Mandatory prerequisites apply. This course is only offered as a semester course.
Choose from the following:
HLT, HIT, ISM 430, HSC 380, SOC 365, PSY 420
This information applies to students who enter this degree program during the 2024-2025 Academic Year. If you entered this degree program before the Fall 2023 semester, please refer to the academic catalog for the year you began your degree program.