My Classes in MyWilmU

My Classes in MyWilmU shows students an at-a-glance view their class enrollment for each term, with quick links to view essential details for each class, including information from Canvas and contact information for their instructor.

If you don't see the My Classes card on your home page, you can find it on the Discover (search) page or on the Academics page.

First-time Use - Connect My Classes to your Canvas Account

When first using the My Classes card, MyWilmU needs your authorization to connect to your Canvas account to show class announcements and upcoming assignments.

  1. Select the Connect button. You should not need to re-enter your login information.
    Screen shot of the My Classes card requesting Canvas connection
    The My Classes card requesting Canvas connection
  2. When requested by Canvas, select Authorize.
    Screen shot of the Canvas authorization page for My Classes
    The Canvas authorization page for My Classes

On the Card

Right on your MyWilmU Home page, the My Classes card shows your enrolled classes grouped by block (for 7-week classes), semester (for 15-week classes), and other parts of the term.

Screen shot of the My Classes card showing the parts of term for enrolled classes
The My Classes card showing the parts of term for enrolled classes
  1. Expand the drop-down for each part of term for a list of your classes for that block, semester, or other part of term.
    Screen shot of the My Classes card with the Block 1 part of term expanded to show Block 1 classes
    The My Classes card with the Block 1 part of term expanded to show Block 1 classes
  2. For each class, you’ll see
    • The class subject code and number, class title, and CRN – a number specific to your class section of the course. This is linked to a page with additional Class Details.
    • Start and end dates for the class,
    • All scheduled on-campus or live online meetings. Online classes with no scheduled meetings don’t show any meeting dates.
  3. To expand the card to see a full page of all your classes, select the Expand/View All icon.
    Screen shot showing where the View All button is located on the My Classes card
    The View All button on the My Classes card

Change the Term (Semester)

  • By default, the card shows your classes for the current term.
  • To see your enrolled classes for a previous or upcoming term, select the drop-down list and choose a different term.
    Screen shot showing where to change the term on the My Classes
    Where to change the term on the My Classes
  • Only terms that you’ve enrolled in will be listed.

My Classes Page

Screen shot of the The My Classes page
The My Classes page shows an expanded view of all enrolled classes for the selected term

The My Classes page shows:

  • An expanded view of all your classes for the whole term,
  • A list of announcements your instructor posts to Canvas for each class
  • A link to open your Canvas Dashboard (Open Canvas)
  • Each class listed is also linked to a page with additional Class Details.

Class Details Page

The Class Details page shows additional information about your class.

Screen shot of the Class Details page
A Class Details page showing full class details and information from Canvas
  • Your instructor(s) and a link to email them (opens in your email software on your device, if configured on your device)
  • The start and end dates for your class
  • All scheduled class meetings. Note: most Online classes have no scheduled meetings.
  • A direct link to open your class in Canvas
  • A list of upcoming assignments from Canvas
  • A list of recent announcements from Canvas