Sending Early Alerts in MyWilmU

爆走黑料's Early Alert program assists faculty with staying in touch with students about their progress toward successful course completion. Early Alert enables faculty to easily send students kudos, a note of encouragement, or identify students at risk.

Faculty members will receive an email at the start of every block reminding them Early Alert is available.

How to Send Early Alerts

Watch a Video Tutorial

Read Step-by-Step Instructions

Video Tutorial

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. In MyWilmU, find and select Student Tracking > Send Early Alert.

  2. You may submit alerts at any time during the semester. However, sending alerts as early in the semester as possible gives your students the most opportunity to access support resources.

    Block 2 Courses will be visible 10 days prior to class start date.

  3. See below for the types of alerts you can send.

  4. After you choose an alert, you can add a note (via Add Notes) with any specific information about a student's coursework that will be included in the email they receive.

    For example:

    • You are currently missing Assignment #1
    • I am pleased you have given so much feedback in our class discussions.
  5. Click submit to send the applicable alert/kudos email to the student.

  6. That's all! Your students will automatically receive an email based on your completion of the online alerts.

  7. You can view past or recent alerts that you have submitted. Please see for instructions.

What Type of Alerts Can I Send?

You can send an alert to your students with an email and alert the Student Success Center of the issue(s) in the following areas:

  • Commendable Effort
  • Distracted in Class - NO email sent
  • Inactivity in Course
  • Frequently Tardy - NO email sent
  • Low Grades (C- or lower)
  • Missing Assignments
  • No Feedback*

* Selecting No Feedback - No Alert - No Email Sent will not send the student an email. This will only send you as the faculty member an email thanking you for your participation.

What Does the Student Get & What Now?

  • Students who you identified will receive an email corresponding to the type of alert you chose. See to see an example of each email.

  • Student replies to the alert email will be sent directly to your email address.

  • Encourage students to use the Student Success Center for additional course assistance when needed.

  • All alerts are recorded in the student's communication records in CRM Advise.

Where can I find out more about early alerts?

You may contact the Student Success Center.