The ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ undergraduate degree program in Information Systems Management provides a solid knowledge foundation and a related and meaningful set of experiences to prepare professionals to become Information Technology leaders in what has become the nation’s largest industry. Students who successfully complete the undergraduate degree program in Information Systems Management will possess a working command of current business processes, understand the concepts of business intelligence, data warehousing, and information technology applications and practices that can be applied in business, educational, and governmental organizations regardless of size. Degree recipients will be capable of managing complex projects from inception to completion, including analyzing business processes and designing an information technology strategy for continuous improvement. The ISM program is closely aligned with the business curriculum at ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ. All courses involve hands-on assignments.
The use of information systems and technology in business and industry is woven into strategic, tactical, and operational areas of almost every organization. Administrators, employees, and staff routinely use information technology in their daily professional and personal lives. The increased need for well-designed information technology systems by business and industry has further created a need for IT professionals who can analyze, design, and implement information systems to meet the needs of clients. This includes, but is not limited to, professionals who are:
The express purpose of ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ’s program in Information Systems Management is to satisfy those needs by fostering an application level of practical expertise at an intermediate level of experience. Knowledge of the most current tools and technologies is combined with an understanding of the fundamental principles that underlie them. This ensures that graduates have immediately useful skills, in addition to the deeper understanding that will allow them to move smoothly and efficiently to new systems and approaches.
Program Competencies
Students completing the Information Systems Management B.S. program will be able to:
Experiential Learning
The Office of Experiential Learning takes a 360â—¦ approach to experiential learning. Whether you come to ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ with a vast amount of professional experience and are awarded Credit for Prior Learning (CPL), or you participate in a Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) opportunity (Internships or Cooperative Education) embedded in your curriculum for credit, we provide a pathway to completing your degree.
Cooperative Education Option
Students in the Information Systems Management degree program may obtain relevant work experience by completing up to six credit hours through an optional co-op assignment. The Cooperative Education option for Information Systems Management can be equivalent to one, three credit hour semester long course for a maximum of three credit hours. The co-op assignment is one semester long and normally spans a single semester with the same employer. Students can complete their 120 credit hour Information Systems Management degree program with or without choosing the co-op option. Co-op eligibility requires students to (a) successfully complete a minimum of two Information Systems Management (ISM) degree program core courses in residence; (b) have successfully completed at least 60 credits in the ISM program; and (c) have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. Students must contact the Office of Work-Integrated Learning and their Program Chair one semester before they would like to begin a co-op assignment. For additional information on cooperative education, please visit: /coel/work-integrated-learning.aspx
Accelerated Graduate Certificate Option
Students in the Information Systems Management B.S. degree program may choose an accelerated option with:
Students selecting this option may be able to (a) substitute up to 15 designated, graduate credits for up to 15 undergraduate free elective credits in the B.S. ISM program. The number of undergraduate credits (up to 15) available for this option is dependent on course transfers, course completions, and the availability of free electives. The Accelerated Graduate Certificate Option (AGCO) is structured to ensure it can be completed within the 120 credit, undergraduate degree (105 to 117 undergraduate credits plus up to 15 graduate credits).
Students successfully completing the 15 designated, graduate credits (five courses) become eligible for a Management Information Systems or Technology Project Management Graduate Certificate, subject to the certificate award requirements. In addition, whether successfully completing one graduate course or all five graduate courses, students receive graduate credit toward a Master of Science degree in Information Systems Technology (M.S. IST). Students selecting either AGCO are not required to pursue the M.S. IST degree.
Admission requirements include:
Note: Students will not be eligible to register for graduate level courses until they have successfully transferred in or completed, at least, 60 credits towards their bachelor’s degree in the College of Technology and have an approved AOI form. Students must receive their B.S. degree and apply to the Graduate College of Technology to receive the graduate certificate.
Minimum Grade Policy: Students must maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA in their graduate courses in order to earn the certificate.
Integrating Excel into Business Problem Solving
Fundamentals of Economics
English Composition I
English Composition II
Public Speaking
Research Writing
Introductory Survey of Mathematics
Introduction to Critical Thinking
American Politics
Contemporary Global Issues
Introduction to Psychology
Technology in the Sciences
Choose two courses (6 credits) from:
ART, COM 245, CUL, DRA, DSN 110, ETN, HIS 230, HUM, LIT, MUS, PHI, SPA, TEC 215, VFP 313
Principles of Management
Organizational Behavior
Business Communications
Introduction to E-Commerce
Business Statistics
Data Visualization
Applied Concepts in Accounting and Finance
Information Systems Theory and Practice
Business Process Management
Business Intelligence
Information Technology Policy and Strategy
System Analysis and Design
Physical Design and Implementation with DBMS
Data Modeling and Warehousing
Project Management and Practice
Strategic Application of Information Technology
ISM Internship
Management Information Systems
Ethics for Computer Professionals
Introduction to Computer Hardware and Operation
Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
A completion degree is a personalized version of a bachelor's degree created exclusively for students who have completed an associate degree at an accredited institution. Completion degrees are available for most ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Bachelor of Science degrees. A student who expects to transfer a completed associate degree should communicate with a ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ academic advisor before registering for courses. A transcript with documentation of the conferred degree must be received by ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ to confirm eligibility.
Note that a minimum of 120 combined credits are needed to satisfy the Completion Degree requirements, including both transfer credits and credits earned at ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ.
The following courses or their equivalents are prerequisites for a completion degree in Information Systems Management:
BBM 201 Principles of Management
CTA 326 Integrating Excel into Business Problem Solving
ENG 122 English Composition II
ISM 110 Information Systems Theory and Practice
MAT 205 Introductory Survey of Mathematics
SEC 100 Introduction to Computer Hardware and Operation
SEC 205 Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
This information applies to students who enter this degree program during the 2024-2025 Academic Year. If you entered this degree program before the Fall 2023 semester, please refer to the academic catalog for the year you began your degree program.