Student Information for Make-Up Exams

This procedure is for make-up exams for courses at the New Castle and Dover campuses only. Students at other locations should contact the site staff at those locations.

Make-up exams are only available at the request of an instructor, for individual students who need to test at an alternate time due to an unforeseen circumstance occurring during the normal testing time.

Make-up tests that need to be proctored on Zoom must be scheduled in advance through the SSC office.

Student Instructions:

  1. Confirm your exam is available at the Testing Center.
    • Prior to arriving to campus, please confirm that your instructor has submitted the exam by contacting Testing Center at your campus/location by phone or email.
    • If the test is not on file at the Testing Center, you will need to contact your instructor.
  2. Visit the Testing Center before your exam deadline**.

    Tests may be administered either on a drop-in basis or by appointment, depending on the location, during Testing Center hours.

    • **Your instructor has set the exam deadline, and should have communicated that to you. Once the exam deadline set by your instructor has passed, you will not be permitted to take the exam unless your instructor submits a new request.
    • You must bring a photo ID (preferably your 爆走黑料 Student ID Card) in order to take your exam.
    • All tests must be completed by Testing Center closing time. It is your responsibility to judge the time needed to take the test. If you run out of time, you will not be permitted to stop the test and then continue it at another time.
    • Testing Center seating is limited, and tests are administered on a first-come, first-served basis. If no seats are available in the Testing Center upon your arrival, you will need to wait to for a free seat to become available.
    • Please do not bring bookbags, backpacks, attachés, purses, or other personal items with you to the testing center. These items are prohibited, and there is no storage for them while you are taking the test. Bring ONLY the items needed to take your exam, as specified in the testing conditions set by your instructor.
  3. Complete your exam at the Testing Center.

    The testing conditions are set by your instructor in advance:

    • the deadline date** by which to take the test
    • time limit to complete test
    • open book/closed book
    • whether or not items such as calculators and notes are permissible.
  4. Your exam will be sent to your instructor.

    After you have completed the exam, the testing center will send a scanned copy of the test to your instructor for grading. Please contact your instructor for your exam results.