vCloud Director

vCloud Director enables students in certain College of Technology courses to learn and use industry-standard networking and cybersecurity technologies in a laboratory environment, either on campus or off campus.

Instructions for Students to Use vCloud

We recommend using Chrome to access vCloud.

  1. From either on campus or off campus, Open vCloud Director.
  2. Log in to Horizon using your University student email account ending in and password.
    screen shot of the 爆走黑料 login prompt
    screen shot of the 爆走黑料 login prompt
  3. Once logged in to the virtual desktop, vCloud should automatically launch. Log in with your same username and password.
    screen shot of the vCloud login page
    screen shot of the vCloud login page
  4. If vCloud doesn't launch automatically, visit on the virtual desktop
  5. Once logged in to vCloud, select open on your group of virtual machines (vApp)
    screen shot of the vCloud virtual machine list
    screen shot of the vCloud virtual machine list
  6. Click the Play button to power on your virtual machine (VM), then select the VM, or right-click the VM and select “Popout Console”
    screen shot of selecting a virtual machine in vCloud
    screen shot of selecting a virtual machine in vCloud
  7. Your instructor should send you the credentials to login to each virtual machine’s operating systems