My Course Schedule
Use the resources below to help you determine your course schedule for the upcoming term.
Schedule and Format Options
Create a course schedule that fits your life with courses available in seven-week blocks, weekend modular, online and more. See Course Schedule and Format Options.
My Degree Program
Refer to your Educational Plan and view your outstanding course and program requirements with Degree Works in MyWilmU. See My Degree Program for more information.
2-Year Course Planner
View the 2-Year Course Planner in MyWilmU to view which upcoming semesters (terms) your required courses are offered at any University location.
Course Offerings
Find the days and times the courses you need are being offered using the for the upcoming terms.
Common Pre-Requisite Courses
Taking common pre-requisite courses in your first few semesters can help you expand your options for choosing or customizing your degree.
Next Steps
Need Help from an Advisor?
Contact Academic Advising to request help or an appointment.
Ready to Register?
Already Registered?
- View your course schedule in MyWilmU.
- View how and when you can change your course schedule.