Meet The College of Education and Liberal Arts

Michele Brewer
Director, College of Education and Liberal Arts, Office of Technology, Assessment and Compliance
College of Education and Liberal Arts

Anthony Buffone
Chair, Organizational Leadership, Learning and Innovation
College of Education and Liberal Arts

Tracey Pritchard
Chair, Elementary and Secondary School Counseling
College of Education and Liberal Arts

Joanne Damminger
Adjunct Program Coordinator, Advanced Programs, College of Education
College of Education and Liberal Arts

Thomas Gavin
Adjunct Program Coordinator, Applied Technology in Education
College of Education and Liberal Arts

Jason Hale
Adjunct Program Coordinator, Career and Technical Program
College of Education and Liberal Arts

Sylvia Henderson
Adjunct Program Coordinator, Instruction: Teaching and Learning and Teacher of Reading
College of Education and Liberal Arts

Jennifer Palmer
Adjunct Program Coordinator, National Board Certification and Teacher Development
College of Education and Liberal Arts

Leah VanGelder
Adjunct Graduate Program Advisor, Dover and Georgetown
College of Education and Liberal Arts

Sharon Yoder
Associate Professor College of Education and Liberal Arts
College of Education and Liberal Arts

Katie Baldrich
Adjunct Program Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Studies
College of Education and Liberal Arts

Sharon Weaver
Adjunct Program Coordinator, History, Humanities, and Philosophy Programs
College of Education and Liberal Arts