Donor Honor Roll
爆走黑料 proudly recognizes alumni, faculty, staff, friends, and organizations for their generous support. Contributions made to WilmU support academic programs, athletic programs, scholarships, and other initiatives that enhance the quality of student life at the University.
The 2023-2024 honor roll reflects gifts recorded during the fiscal year spanning July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
New donors
Increase in Total Raised from Previous Year
Awarded in Scholarships
Wildcat Loyalty Club Members
= WilmU Alumni
All Donors by Giving Level
Emerald Club Donors ($5,000+)
Brite Group Holdings of FL LLC
CBM/IFS Insurance
Delaware Technical Community College
EDiS Company
Estate of William Smith
Patrick Flynn
Freedom Mechanical
JC Contractors, LLC
M&T Bank
Shari Platt
PNC Bank
Security Instrument
Oren Segev
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Wilmington Manor Lions Club, Inc
Platinum Club Donors ($2,500-4,999)
CVS Health Foundation
Delcastle Tennis Center
Discover Financial Services
First State Orthopaedics, P.A.
Larry and Joan Gehrke
Conrad K Harper
Dr. LaVerne T Harmon
Malone M Harmon
Iconic Group Inc.
Andy and Sarah Lubin
Donna M Quinn
Dr. Angela Suchanic
William and Paula Swain
The Commencement Group Inc
Gold Club Donors ($1,000-2,499)
Anonymous (3)
Action Unlimited Resources, Inc.
Dr. Regina Allen-Sharpe
Apex Engineering Inc.
As You Wish Promotions
Dr. Tina Barksdale
Brian C Beard
Kristen Beard
Christina Bennett
BSN Sports
Jaimee Campbell
Dr. Dana S Chapman
David Danner
Delaware Express
Henry Dickerson
Eileen G Donnelly
Connie Guthrie
Dr. Edward L Guthrie
Thelma Hinds
Gloria R Johnson
Dr. Kathy S Kennedy Ratajack
Fred and Lynne Kielhorn
Janet T Kilpatrick
Thomas E Leipold
Liberty Mutual Group, Inc.
Dr. Vincent Anthony Lofink
Thomas Frederick Porter
Jim Powers
Dr. Yvette Marquez-Pribitkin
Florence Miller
Lawrence H Miller
Robert Miller
Atsuko Nakajima
Hiroshi Narasako
Cecily Ruth Pilzer
Edmund Pribitkin
Richards, Layton & Finger
Nicole L Romano
Salem Community College
Al Sandal
Candace L Sandal
Aaron Michael Sebach
Mahadev S Sitaram
Jay Thuer
Today Media
Union Park Automotive Group
Dr. Stefanie A Whitby
Dr. James D Wilson Jr.
Tina Ellen Wilson
Silver Club Donors (Up to $999)
Anonymous (20)
Krystal Aaron
Dana L Abbott-Painter
Laurie Adamo
Olubukola Mary Adejuwon
Yetunde M Adewole
Jessica Ahearn
Air Necessities Heating & Cooling
Ronald Albrand
Richard Joseph Albrecht
Cheryl Alexander
Kirsten V Alexander
LaShawn V Alexander
Linda Alexander
Verlin Jay Alexander
Anita Almazan
American Online Giving Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Linda Van Drie Andrzjewski
Robin Lynn Angelucci
Maria E Antonelli
George Apodiakos
Rae Aquino
Anna Arciere
Roger P Arnell Jr.
Gerald Asmus
Associazione Regionale Abruzzese Delco
Dr. Melanie Lynn Ayers
Sai Lakshmi Nirupama Ayyadevara
Keisha Baez
Lori A Bailey
Tina Bailey
Melanie C Baldwin
Maria I Bannon
David Barbour
Jason Barcoski
Catherine Yolanda Barnes
Sharon Barnes
Katherine Barricella
RanJan Barua
Nema S Bass
Jon Bassoff
Demetrius Mark Beard
Tom and Deborah Beaver
Kendall Bell
Marcus Bell
Minerva Bellido
James A Benson
Debra L Berke
Ronald B Berry III
Melinda Bertling
William A Bescherer, Jr. and Ruth Bescherer
Dr. Anthony Bess
Marie Betton
Linda F Betz
Dr. Adrienne Bey
Jacqueline B Bianca
Johanna S.M. Bishop
BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc.
Brenda Bloomquist
Kevin Bloomquist
Mark Bloomquist
Dr. Audrey M Blume
Linda Borgmann
Edson A Bostic
Cynthia L Boyd
Staci Boyle
James Bradley
Rachael V Bradshaw
Nicole L Brittingham
Julie Brooks
Justin Charles Brooks
Russell T Brooks
Dr. Sylvia J Brooks
Dr. Hugh T Broomall, Sr.
Caressia Brown
Dr. Mary Kathryn Brown
Virginia D Brown
Monica Brumagin
D. Jane Bruton
Destiny Skye Bryant
Karen Bryson
Derek Buckley
Elaine Bucs
Gianna Bucs
Evan Bunting
Daniel Burke
Angelina L Burns
Madelynn A Burns
Diedre Burton
Mark M Butler
Bobby Calderon
Thomas Calhoun
Christine Callahan
Frances Rose Callahan
Bethany Campbell
Tyler M Campbell
Frederick Cange
Timothy M Cannon
Stephanie Carbo
Maxwell Nathan Carney
Beatrice D Carrera
Patricia A Carrico
Judy Carrow
Ivan Cay
Mary Cella
Edith Chapman
Dr. Lawrence M Chatman
Dr. Mary M Chen
Gabrielle Chinnici-Heyel
Marica Vanessa Chrysostome
Jill Cisowski
Dennis T Clark
Yessi Clarke
Deborah Classie
Frank Classie
Judd Classie
Lori Clements
Johanna Cohee Hastings
Leslie Cole
Rachel Lynn Cole
Dr. Janice Colvin
Corinne Comer
Dr. Danette Marie Conley
Mary Conlon
Bonnie Cook
Fran Cook
Jamie Lynn Cook
Paula Cooper
Dr. Edith A Corbin
Xavier Cortez
Kate Cottle
Austin Cox
Dawn Cox
Kevin Coyle
Dennis L Craighton
Angela Creppon
Katrena Cuilla
Tarah Culver
Dr. Michael G Curry
Smyrna Cyrille
Brenda Czarnecki
Kathleen Daniels
Dr. Amy Lynn Danley
Cedric G Davis
Wendy Ann Davis
Dr. Zhanna P Davis
Richard H Davolos
Kevin Day
Madeline Day
Diana DeLuca
Salvatore Deluca
Debra Demier
Cynthia Dempsey
Dr. Patricia A DePlasco
Lou DeSeta
Marie DeSeta
Vincent and Kass Deseta
Ananth Nag Deval
Kara L DiCecco
Julia DiFiglia
Erin J DiMarco
Randee DiMarco
Catherine R DiSantis
Sean Ryan Dize
Dr. Nancy C Doody
William Doody
Keith Dorman, Jr.
Malinda Dragisich
Denise Lynn Drummond
Peter Duca
Monica Duffy
Laurence Durante
Matt Dutt
DVL Group, Inc.
Kehinde Adeyoola Ebigbola
Ric Edevane
Shayonna Edwards
Isra Elharden
Donald Ellenberger
Thomas J Eller
Shannon Elligson
Sharmina T Ellis
Memo Espinoza
Nancy Faiola
Emily Faith
Mark Rocky Ferrier
Andrea Fischer
Michael Fischer
Loretta Fisher
Betty Fleming
Bridget Fleming
Charles E Fleming, Jr.
Charlie Fleming
Robin Lynn Foraker
Dr. Joyce Ridgeway Foresman-Capuzzi
Sandra Frame
Scott Frank
Melissa Franke
Scott Franke
Susan Franke
Eileen Frazier
Zachary Frederick
Paul J Freebery
Joseph Freeland
Lesa Freeland
Pamela Freeman
Tara L Fridley
Julie Frisvold
Candace Gallardo
Anah E Galloway
David and Karen Gamache
Srikanth Garikapati
Gina D Garner
Elizabeth Holly Garrett
Grant T Garrity
Sherry Gary
Rachael E Gatling
Gabrielle R Gaul
Michael W Geiger
Matthew C Gianni
Anastasia Giannoulis
Dr. Arthur R Gilbert and Colleen Gilbert
Barbara Gillis
Shauntay A Gillis
Frank Giordano
Julie Girona
John J Glacken
AnneMarie Glatts
Stephani Glatts
Lauren Godwin
Michael J Godwin
Samuel James Goines
Norma Gonzalez
Robin Gorman
Catherine Goss
Edward and Debra Grace
Erik Grady
Joseph Grady
Paul A Graefe
Andrae Graham
Dakota Robert Graham
Simon Grajczak
Nicholas Ryan Grant
Dr. Patricia Ann Grant
Sheila Graves
Dr. Stacey K Graves
Francis W Green, Jr.
Patty A Greene
Philip and Liz Greenley
Pam Gresham
Bryan Grygo
Cindy Grygo
Adrian Guinto
Debra Gunkel
Joe Gunkel
Karen Gunkel
Barbara Hagood Gray
John Hardin
Donna J Hardy
Shenequa T Harris
Dr. Amystique Y Harris Church
Charles Hartnett
Todd Hartnett
Erin T Harvey
Tracy Hatfield
Dr. Lauren Pearl Havens
Gary Hay
Hayman Creative Promotional Products Agency, Inc.
Christine Haynes
Dr. Berneda Hayward
Teresa Johnson Hayward
Cynthia D Healey
Ed and Barb Held
Dr. Monica Marianne Henry
Jamie Hensley
Alexander Hernandez
Lillian Hernandez
Reynaldo Hernandez
Dr. Maria Frances Hess
Chris Hetzel
Bevin A Hileman
Kyle Hitchens
Jacob Hitman
Bonnie Holdsworth
Tara Holdsworth
Dr. Kurt A Hollstein
Joy Holman
Nora A Hufe
Gerald and Jeanette Huff
Holly Hughes
Bret A Humphrey
Sherman Hunt
Jerrod Hunter
Thomas W Hurd, Jr.
Andres Hurtado
Holly Hutchison
Pamela R Huxtable
Gail Hyland
Michelle Hyland
Tyler Hyland
William Hyland
Diane T Hyman
Dr. Frank B Ingraham, Jr.
Johna-Lee D Ingraham
Lori S Irelan
Khalid M Irshad
Steven L Isler
Quintin Connor Ivy
Debbie Jack
Shahid Jackson
Dr. Tasha Dynese Jackson
Analisa James
Nyesha L James
Victoleen Jarquin
Alea Javorowsky
Stacy Javorowsky
Aaron Jazzar
Cindy Jester
Leroy E Jett
Adrienne Johnson
Jordan Johnson
Luke Anthony Johnson
Mark Johnson
Carleen Rosa Jones
Christopher L Jones
Darius Kenyon Jones
Erica Jayne Jones
Joella Jones
Melissa Jayne Jones
Elizabeth P Jordan
Nyoka Joseph
Thomas Judge
Dr. Jane Kaltenbaugh
Michiko Kanazawa
Dr. Monica N Kay
Sumanth Kaza
Kathleen Keating
Dr. Kae E Keister
Robin Kemper
Wendy L Kennedy
Mike and Jill Kent
Annette Kiess
Kero Kimigasuki
Eleonora King
Christopher William Kintop
Dr. Bonnie L. Kirkpatrick
John Kitano
Richard Knapp
Jodi and Yorky Knowles
Alice Koehler
Jennifer Koehler
Todd Koehler
Juliana Kingsley Kolakowski
Tim Kovac
Kennilynn Koveleski
Kristin Kraiss
Angela Krick
Megan Kueny
Don Kukawski
William John Lamanteer, II
Chris Lambert
Pamela Jayne Langley
Joan Lanier
Bernadette Lappin
Steve and Beth Lashaway
Jeff Lawrence
Karin Leary
Kenneth Lederman
Pamela Lederman
Thomas J Lemon
Melissa Lemons
Aaron L Lewis
Steven and Joyce Liguori
Eric Livingston
Karen R Long
Jennifer Long
Mathew Henrique Lopes
Joseph G Lores
Harry Lowman
Andrea Lum
Nicholas James Macey
Barbara A Madic
Tomomi Maehira
Joy P Magee
M Makaila
Luz D Maldonado
Jonathan Mallory
Maryann Manerchia
Kathleen Mann
Andrea Manna
Joseph Marinello
Glenn Maris
Dolores Marshall
Jeffrey Martino
Anthony Mastrobuono
Gabriele Mastrobuono
Naoko Matsuda
Kyle Maxwell
Rachel Mayan
Jeannie R Mayberry
Dan and Beth McCarty
Dr. James M McCloskey
Dr. Shawn K McCloud
Geralyn Mccomas
MaryBeth McDonald
Victoria McLaughlin
David McQuaide
John Mead
Carolyn A Meadows
Mark Meara
Kyett Melvin
Enrique Miguez
James Miles
Tracy Miles
Alice K Miller
Gary and Kathleen Miller
Megan Miller
Dana Millin
Rebecca Mills
Shyra Mills
Tricia A Mitchell
Larry Molder
Jordan B. Mollohan
Vamshikrishna Monagari
Rita Moody
Shannon Moody
Joseph and Patricia L Moore
Joyce Lynn Moore
Lynn W Moore
Dr. Kenneth Paul Morlino
Harvey Morrell
Laura M Morris
Michael Morris
Sherise Dionne Morris
Jeff Morrison
Barbara Mortus
Mike Moschella
Dawn Michelle Mosley
Ashley Mundy
Michael J Mundy
Alexis Lynn Murphy
Sreekanth Muthyala
Robert G Myers
Scott E and Sandra L Nail
Rudolph Nails
Venkat Nallapuneni
Joshua Neiderer
Andrew Neilio
Michelle Neilio
Kristina Nelson-Braun
Corey Newborns
Tyler Charles Newton
Donald Nino
Michael and Kelly Nolan
Dr. Ruth T Norman
Wendy Novotny
Maria Nunez
Heather A O'Connell
Nancy O'Donnell
Timothy O'Hagan
Beth Olesh
Rodney Olesh
Diphiner Moraa Omundi
Jordan Matthew Oncay
Optiv Security Inc
Jesse Orlando
Diana Ortiz-Beaudet
Chris Owens
Mark A Pagano
Russell Pajer
Annamarie Palella
Lexi Palmer
Terrell Palmer
Judith Pantalino
Jaclyn Paradysz
Loran J Paragone
Guy and Zina Parks
Treva Parolli-Barnes
Claudine Pasquarello
Yashwanth Mouli Pathipati
Venkata Sesha Reddy Pattem
Maya Caryn Patterson
Paul A Patton
Philip A Paxson
Kenia Payne
Danita Pelletiere
Ricky Penland, Jr.
Christina Perry
Patricia Pfeiffer
Kelly Pharis
Charna Pierce
Ashok Pilla
Scott Pirrung
Kim L Plusch
Dedra A Poe
Donna Pointkouski
Natalie Pointkouski
John Polcari
Harish Polepalli
Erica Ann Poore
Sherm Porter
Prime Vitality
Kory Pritchard
Lawrence Pritchard
Robert Pritchard
Thomas E Pritchard
Thomas Pritchard
Debbie O Pro
Joseph M Pro, Jr.
Pro Works, Inc
Lisa Prosachik
Jane M Pullan
Joseph and Sharon Purzycki
Allison Quinn
Carrie Quinn
Eric R Quinn
Felicia K Quinn
Roy C Quinn
April and Jac Ragusa
Nandikkara Raman
M E Ramirez
Angel Ramos
Oribel Ray
Mark Reaves
Brandi D Redding
Bobby and Barbara A Reed
Shaina Reed
Kathryn M Reidy
Dr. Sallie A Reissman
Dr. Robert W Rescigno
Cathy S Revelle
Mr. Lindsay H Rice, III
Karen Richardson
Monica G Richardson
Jason Rickabaugh
Lloyd Ricketts
Barry Ridgeway
Natalie Ridgeway
Sandra L Riker
Rebecca Ritchie
Maria Rivera
Sonia Rivera
Matt Roantree
Franklin and Monica Robinson
Lance Robinson
Tangie D Robinson
Rosalinda Rocco
Jalyncia Rodriguez
Jonathan Rodriguez
Martin A Rogers
Theresa A Romano
Kelly Roscoe
Alec Roselli
Walt and Kate Roshon
Beverly J Ross
Elijah Roxas
Brandy Ruff
Cheri R Ruff
Emmalea Ruff
Zach Rumford
Jeanne Ruoff
William Ruoff
Ruthann Rustay
Brooks Andrew Ryan
Mamadou Sabo
Stefanie A Sager-Carroll
Mary Saienni
Warren Salandy
Genielle Salazar
Maryann Sambro
Kathryn A Sampson
Giovanna Sanchirico
Ron Sandell
Christopher D Sanger and Jane Biggs Sanger
Roseann P Sapp
Gabriel Sartor
Pablo Sartor
Sebastian Sartor
Dana Saucedo
Dr. Douglas Scappa
Michelle Schenning
Dr. Michael Schirmer
Karen Schmidt
Tristan Schoendienst
Kristine M Schultz
Jennifer Schweiker
Anthony and Donna Sciarretto
Anita Scott
Krista Scott
Brad Joseph Scull
Segich Family
Mandie Sellers
Elizabeth Senn
Lisa Serrato
Dr. Karen Ann Sheats
Lynn Shedden
Michael Sheehan
Dennis Shellenberg
Robert G Sheu
James Shupp
Robert Shupp
Bernadette R Shutt
Kathleen R Silage
Philip Simonetti
Andrew Sinclair
Donald Siok
Kendall Patrick Small
Alex J Smalls
Jill K Smith
Tonya Smith
Alyssa Southard
Dr. Jaime M Sowers
Dr. John Sparco
Patricia Anne Spratley
Jeremy Starrett
Patricia Steehler
Tracy Stefan
Clay Stewart
Marvin L and Patricia A Stewart
Matthew A Stone
Dr. Cristina Strain
Tina Strauss
Maureen Stritzinger
Sherri L Strobel
David Sullenberger
Teresa J Sullivan
Tyler Sullivan
Sundew Painting North Inc
Chinna Babu Survi
Amy R Svrjcek
Bjana Fabrice Swinson
Diana Szekely
Pat and Jacqueline Szurek
Inez Tarrach
Matthew Taxin
Kristina R Taylor
Dr. Michelle A Taylor
Sharon Taylor
TekSolv, Inc.
Sally Teramura
Elizabeth Marie Teron
Catherine Tessein
Ed Tessein
Kim Michelle Thomas
Bernadette Thompson Aaron
Luz E Tirado
Tisbest Philanthropy
Caroline Titus
Danielle Tomlinson
Michael Anthony Torres
Donald Tracey
Ericka Traub
Anna L Trego
Christina Trego
Dr. Kasey Lynne Trill
Denise Tropiano
Stephen Tropiano
Emily Troutman
Pamela Trudeau
Sandra L Tucker
Lisa Kim Turner Jumps
Allan Christian Tyler
Chris Tyler
Roland Tyler
Renee L Tyre
United Way of Delaware
Penny Upton
Cindy Valentino
Richard Valentino
Tracey Valentino
Jodee Vallone
Janet Vanderhoff
Stephen H Vankirk
Michelle D Varner
Dr. Jacqueline R Varsalona
Greg Vaughn
Dr. Jorge A Velazquez, Jr.
Sara Velez Ortiz
Kim Verrecchia
Frank Vindigni
Carlos Vizzerra
Manuel Vizzerra
Steve Vizzerra
Dominick Vulpis
Dr. Mary Ellen Wade
Kyle James Waldvogel
Leslie Walker
Craig T Wallace
Margo Wallace
Nancy Wallace
Valarie S Walls
Elizabeth Leslie Walter
David P Walton
Dr. Scott J Walton
Hunter Wanless
Eden Ward
Kendall Warrington, VI
Taylor Warrington-Purcell
Evette M Washington
Marcia J Waters
Richard S Waters
Jeremy D Watkins
Suzanne M Watras
Christine Waverla
Dr. Robin B Weinstein
Brien and Kaitlyn Weiss
Christopher Weiss
Fred Weiss
Caitlyn Welker
David B Welker, II
Leanda Welker
Dana White
Dr. Lemar Tyson White
Amy Whitford
Lisa Whyte
Colleen M Will
Dr. Holly Noel Willey
Dr. Matthew James Wilson
Aamari Wilson-Campbell
Cheryl Wingo
Steve and Dawn Wingo
Patricia Wise
Susan Wolfe
Lamont Womack
Denise Wons
Eugene G Wons
Nicolette Wons
Dr. Tracy Todd Woodson
Jennifer L Workman
Breanna Worrell
James Worrell
Linda A Worrell
Delores Wright
Kelly Wyszynski
Masatoshi Yamanaka
Dr. Ashlee Monique Youmans
Patricia Young
Robin Young
Mary Beth Youse
Dr. Allan Robert Zaback
Jeffrey Zavrotny
LaDonna Zimmerman
Kathleen Zumbar
Return to top of All Donors by Giving Level
Event Sponsors and Donors
The listed individuals and businesses are recognized for generously supporting 爆走黑料’s Annual Scholarship Golf Classic and Green & White Scholarship Gala events.
Action Unlimited Resources, Inc.
Olubukola Mary Adejuwon
Maria E Antonelli
Apex Engineering Inc.
As You Wish Promotions
Dr. Audrey M Blume
Virginia D Brown
BSN Sports
CBM/IFS Insurance
Marica Vanessa Chrysostome
Delaware Express
Delaware Technical Community College
Delcastle Tennis Center
Erin J DiMarco
Discover Financial Services
DVL Group, Inc.
EDiS Company
First State Orthopaedics, P.A.
Freedom Mechanical
Larry and Joan Gehrke
Barbara Hagood Gray
Connie Guthrie
Dr. Edward L Guthrie
Hayman Creative Promotional Products Agency, Inc.
Thomas W Hurd, Jr.
JC Contractors, LLC
Fred and Lynne Kielhorn
Thomas E Leipold
Andy and Sarah Lubin
M&T Bank
Mark Meara
Florence Miller
Lawrence H Miller
Rita Moody
Harvey Morrell
Optiv Security Inc
Patricia Pfeiffer
PNC Bank
Prime Vitality
Joseph and Sharon Purzycki
Angel Ramos
Dr. Robert W Rescigno
Richards, Layton & Finger
Lloyd Ricketts
Salem Community College
Security Instrument
Andrew Sinclair
Sundew Painting North Inc
William and Paula Swain
Today Media
Union Park Automotive Group
Return to top of Event Sponsors and Donors
Memorial & Tribute Gifts
In Memory of Cecile Bachmann
Al Sandal
Candace Sandal
In Memory of Barbara Batchelder DuPont
Christopher D Sanger and Jane Biggs Sanger
In Memory of Dr. H Lee Brubaker
Brandi D Redding
In Memory of Irenee Dupont, Jr.
Laurence Durante
Cynthia D Healey
Christopher D Sanger and Jane Biggs Sanger
In Memory of Cathy Fletcher
Al Sandal
Candace Sandal
In Memory of Kim Ford
Al Sandal
Candace Sandal
In Memory of Dr. Regina M Giannone-Tyler
Dr. Laura M Morris
In Memory of Jenn Hearn
Dr. Sallie A Reissman
In Memory of Joyce Hutt
Al Sandal
Candace Sandal
In Memory of Lyndee James
Al Sandal
Candace Sandal
In Memory of Mark Quinn
Donna M Quinn
Eric R Quinn
Felicia K Quinn
In Memory of William P Quinn
Donna M Quinn
Dr. James D Wilson Jr.
Tina Ellen Wilson
In Memory of Jane V West
Gabrielle R Gaul
In Memory of Dr. Woodrow Wilson
Conrad K Harper
In Honor of Patricia F Farrell
Elijah Roxas
In Honor of Dr. Frank B Ingraham, Jr.
Madelynn A Burns
Mary Cella
Anah E Galloway
Rachael E Gatling
Donna J Hardy
Gloria R Johnson
Dr. Kathy S Kennedy Ratajack
Kim L Plusch
Brandi D Redding
Cathy S Revelle
Patricia Anne Spratley
In Honor of Michael Turner Jumps
Lisa Kim Turner Jumps
In Honor of Steven Turner Jumps
Lisa Kim Turner Jumps
Return to top of Memorial & Tribute Gifts
The Den
The listed individuals and businesses are recognized for generously supporting The Den, 爆走黑料's food pantry, available to assist students experiencing food insecurity.
James A Benson
Debra L Berke
Sharmina T Ellis
Francis W Green, Jr.
Leroy E Jett
Eric Livingston
Venkat Nallapuneni
Heather A O'Connell
Charna Pierce
Ashok Pilla
Mamadou Sabo
Karen Schmidt
Mahadev S Sitaram
Jill K Smith
Bjana Fabrice Swinson
Elizabeth Leslie Walter
Tribute Fund Donors
Memorial Funds
Dr. Stephanie Battis Memorial Scholarship
Kate Cottle
Dr. Kathy S Kennedy Ratajack
Dr. Shawn K McCloud
Dr. Ruth T Norman
Dr. John Sparco
Sherri L Strobel
Dr. Scott J Walton
Dr. Robin B Weinstein
William and Mary Bescherer Memorial Scholarship
William A Bescherer, Jr. and Ruth Bescherer
Florence Miller
Lawrence H Miller
Robert Miller
Kyle James Waldvogel
Quinn Family Memorial Scholarship
Anonymous (1)
Melanie C Baldwin
Brian C Beard
Kristen Beard
Don Kukawski
Debbie O Pro
Joseph M Pro, Jr.
Donna M Quinn
Eric R Quinn
Felicia K Quinn
Barry Ridgeway
Natalie Ridgeway
Dr. James D Wilson Jr.
Tina Ellen Wilson
Kelly Wyszynski
Mig Reardon Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Anonymous (2)
Kara L DiCecco
Lori S Irelan
Linda Thomas Scholarship
Anonymous (1)
Dr. Regina Allen-Sharpe
Henry Dickerson
Patty A Greene
Dr. LaVerne T Harmon
Malone M Harmon
Dr. Maria Frances Hess
Bevin A Hileman
Gloria R Johnson
Carolyn A Meadows
Honorary Funds
Future of Nursing Excellence Scholarship
Dr. Melanie Lynn Ayers
David Danner
Andrew Neilio
Michelle Neilio
Al Sandal
Candace L Sandal
Aaron Michael Sebach
Dr. Jack P Varsalona Scholarship
Anonymous (1)
Timothy M Cannon
Johanna Cohee Hastings
Dr. Michael G Curry
Sean Ryan Dize
Cynthia D Healey
Patricia Pfeiffer
Sherm Porter
Nicole L Romano
Return to top of Tribute Fund Donors
Wildcat Loyalty Club
Members of the Wildcat Loyalty Club are recognized for generously supporting 爆走黑料 for the last 5 consecutive years.
Anonymous (11)
Dana L Abbott-Painter
LaShawn V Alexander
Verlin Jay Alexander
Dr. Regina Allen-Sharpe
Dr. Linda Van Drie Andrzjewski
Lori A Bailey
Melanie C Baldwin
Dr. Tina Barksdale
Nema S Bass
Brian C Beard
Kristen Beard
Dr. Adrienne Bey
Jacqueline B Bianca
Johanna S.M. Bishop
Russell T Brooks
Dr. Sylvia J Brooks
Dr. Mary Kathryn Brown
Derek Buckley
Daniel Burke
Angelina L Burns
CBM/IFS Insurance
Dr. Dana S Chapman
Dr. Lawrence M Chatman
Johanna Cohee Hastings
Rachel Lynn Cole
Kate Cottle
Dennis L Craighton
Dr. Amy Lynn Danley
Richard H Davolos
Kara L DiCecco
Henry Dickerson
Randee DiMarco
Erin J DiMarco
Eileen G Donnelly
Dr. Nancy C Doody
William Doody
Denise Lynn Drummond
EDiS Company
Bridget Fleming
Tara L Fridley
Gina D Garner
Lauren Godwin
Patty A Greene
Connie Guthrie
Dr. Edward L Guthrie
Donna J Hardy
Dr. LaVerne T Harmon
Malone M Harmon
Erin T Harvey
Dr. Lauren Pearl Havens
Cynthia D Healey
Dr. Monica Marianne Henry
Jamie Hensley
Bevin A Hileman
Thelma Hinds
Nora A Hufe
Sherman Hunt
Thomas W Hurd, Jr.
Iconic Group Inc.
Dr. Frank B Ingraham, Jr.
Johna-Lee D Ingraham
Lori S Irelan
Dr. Tasha Dynese Jackson
JC Contractors, LLC
Adrienne Johnson
Gloria R Johnson
Melissa Jayne Jones
Elizabeth P Jordan
Wendy L Kennedy
Dr. Kathy S Kennedy Ratajack
Dr. Bonnie L Kirkpatrick
Richard Knapp
Don Kukawski
Liberty Mutual Group, Inc.
Jonathan Mallory
Glenn Maris
Jeffrey Martino
Dr. James M McCloskey
Dr. Shawn K McCloud
Alice K Miller
Robert Miller
Lynn W Moore
Dr. Kenneth Paul Morlino
Laura M Morris
Sherise Dionne Morris
Ashley Mundy
Michael J Mundy
Alexis Lynn Murphy
Kelly Nolan
Michael L Nolan
Dr. Ruth T Norman
Heather A O'Connell
Beth Olesh
Rodney Olesh
Jesse Orlando
Chris Owens
Paul A Patton
Philip A Paxson
Kim L Plusch
PNC Bank
Dedra A Poe
Jim Powers
Donna M Quinn
Eric R Quinn
Felicia K Quinn
Dawn O Ransom
Brandi D Redding
Kathryn M Reidy
Dr. Sallie A Reissman
Dr. Robert W Rescigno
Monica G Richardson
Barry Ridgeway
Natalie Ridgeway
Nicole L Romano
Theresa A Romano
Rebecca "Kate" Roshon
Walter Roshon
Kathryn A Sampson
Al Sandal
Candace L Sandal
Dr. Douglas Scappa
Aaron Michael Sebach
Dr. Karen Ann Sheats
Philip Simonetti
Dr. Angela Suchanic
Kristina R Taylor
Dr. Michelle A Taylor
The Commencement Group Inc
Renee L Tyre
United Way of Delaware
Dr. Jacqueline R Varsalona
Valarie S Walls
Jeremy D Watkins
Suzanne M Watras
Dr. Stefanie A Whitby
Dana White
Dr. Lemar Tyson White
Colleen M Will
Wilmington Manor Lions Club, Inc
Dr. James D Wilson Jr.
Dr. Matthew James Wilson
Tina Ellen Wilson
Jennifer L Workman
Kelly Wyszynski
Dr. Ashlee Monique Youmans
Mary Beth Youse
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爆走黑料 Athletics
The listed individuals and businesses are recognized for generously supporting 爆走黑料’s athletic teams with the supplemental resources necessary to provide equipment, improve training facilities and support team travel.
Anonymous (2)
Krystal Aaron
Laurie Adamo
Jessica Ahearn
Air Necessities Heating & Cooling
Ronald Albrand
Richard Joseph Albrecht
Anita Almazan
American Online Giving Foundation, Inc.
George Apodiakos
Rae Aquino
Anna Arciere
Gerald Asmus
Keisha Baez
Tina Bailey
David Barbour
Jason Barcoski
Sharon Barnes
Katherine Barricella
Jon Bassoff
Tom and Deborah Beaver
Kendall Bell
Marcus Bell
Christina Bennett
Ronald B Berry III
Melinda Bertling
Marie Betton
Linda F Betz
Brenda Bloomquist
Kevin Bloomquist
Mark Bloomquist
Linda Borgmann
Cynthia L Boyd
Staci Boyle
Rachael V Bradshaw
Brite Group Holdings of FL LLC
Nicole L Brittingham
Julie Brooks
Justin Charles Brooks
Monica Brumagin
Destiny Skye Bryant
Karen Bryson
Elaine Bucs
Gianna Bucs
Evan Bunting
Diedre Burton
Bobby Calderon
Thomas Calhoun
Christine Callahan
Frances Rose Callahan
Bethany Campbell
Tyler M Campbell
Frederick Cange
Stephanie Carbo
Maxwell Nathan Carney
Beatrice D Carrera
Judy Carrow
Ivan Cay
Jill Cisowski
Yessi Clarke
Deborah Classie
Frank Classie
Judd Classie
Lori Clements
Leslie Cole
Corinne Comer
Mary Conlon
Bonnie Cook
Fran Cook
Jamie Lynn Cook
Paula Cooper
Xavier Cortez
Austin Cox
Kevin Coyle
Katrena Cuilla
Tarah Culver
Brenda Czarnecki
Kathleen Daniels
Wendy Ann Davis
Kevin Day
Madeline Day
Diana DeLuca
Salvatore Deluca
Debra Demier
Cynthia Dempsey
Vincent and Kass Deseta
Lou DeSeta
Marie DeSeta
Julia DiFiglia
Catherine R DiSantis
Malinda Dragisich
Peter Duca
Monica Duffy
Matt Dutt
Ric Edevane
Donald Ellenberger
Thomas J Eller
Shannon Elligson
Memo Espinoza
Nancy Faiola
Emily Faith
Mark Rocky Ferrier
Andrea Fischer
Michael Fischer
Loretta Fisher
Betty Fleming
Charles E Fleming, Jr.
Charlie Fleming
Patrick Flynn
Robin Lynn Foraker
Sandra Frame
Scott Frank
Melissa Franke
Scott Franke
Susan Franke
Eileen Frazier
Zachary Frederick
Paul J Freebery
Joseph Freeland
Lesa Freeland
Julie Frisvold
Candace Gallardo
David and Karen R Gamache
Sherry Gary
Michael W Geiger
Matthew C Gianni
Anastasia Giannoulis
Barbara Gillis
Frank Giordano
Julie Girona
AnneMarie Glatts
Stephani Glatts
Michael J Godwin
Samuel James Goines
Norma Gonzalez
Robin Gorman
Catherine Goss
Edward and Debra Grace
Erik Grady
Joseph Grady
Andrae Graham
Dakota Robert Graham
Nicholas Ryan Grant
Sheila Graves
Philip and Liz Greenley
Pam Gresham
Bryan Grygo
Cindy Grygo
Adrian Guinto
Debra Gunkel
Joe Gunkel
Karen Gunkel
John Hardin
Charles Hartnett
Todd Hartnett
Tracy Hatfield
Gary Hay
Christine Haynes
Ed and Barb Held
Alexander Hernandez
Lillian Hernandez
Reynaldo Hernandez
Chris Hetzel
Kyle Hitchens
Jacob Hitman
Bonnie Holdsworth
Tara Holdsworth
Joy Holman
Gerald and Jeanette Huff
Holly Hughes
Bret A Humphrey
Andres Hurtado
Holly Hutchison
Gail Hyland
Michelle Hyland
Tyler Hyland
William Hyland
Diane T Hyman
Quintin Connor Ivy
Debbie Jack
Shahid Jackson
Victoleen Jarquin
Alea Javorowsky
Stacy Javorowsky
Jordan Johnson
Luke Anthony Johnson
Joella Jones
Nyoka Joseph
Michiko Kanazawa
Kathleen Keating
Robin Kemper
Mike and Jill Kent
Annette Kiess
Kero Kimigasuki
Eleonora King
Christopher William Kintop
John Kitano
Jodi and Yorky Knowles
Alice Koehler
Jennifer Koehler
Todd Koehler
Juliana Kingsley Kolakowski
Tim Kovac
Kennilynn Koveleski
Kristin Kraiss
Angela Krick
Megan Kueny
Joan Lanier
Bernadette Lappin
Steve and Beth Lashaway
Jeff Lawrence
Karin Leary
Kenneth Lederman
Pamela Lederman
Thomas J Lemon
Aaron L Lewis
Steven and Joyce Liguori
Karen R Long
Jennifer Long
Mathew Henrique Lopes
Joseph G Lores
Harry Lowman
Andrea Lum
Nicholas James Macey
Barbara A Madic
Tomomi Maehira
M Makaila
Maryann Manerchia
Kathleen Mann
Andrea Manna
Joseph Marinello
Anthony Mastrobuono
Gabriele Mastrobuono
Naoko Matsuda
Kyle Maxwell
Dan and Beth McCarty
Geralyn Mccomas
MaryBeth McDonald
Victoria McLaughlin
David McQuaide
John Mead
Kyett Melvin
Enrique Miguez
James Miles
Gary and Kathleen Miller
Megan Miller
Dana Millin
Rebecca Mills
Larry Molder
Jordan B Mollohan
Shannon Moody
Joseph and Patricia L Moore
Michael Morris
Jeff Morrison
Barbara Mortus
Mike Moschella
Robert G Myers
Scott E and Sandra L Nail
Atsuko Nakajima
Hiroshi Narasako
Joshua Neiderer
Kristina Nelson-Braun
Tyler Charles Newton
Donald Nino
Wendy Novotny
Maria Nunez
Nancy O'Donnell
Timothy O'Hagan
Jordan Matthew Oncay
Diana Ortiz-Beaudet
Mark A Pagano
Russell Pajer
Annamarie Palella
Lexi Palmer
Jaclyn Paradysz
Loran J Paragone
Guy D and Zina Parks
Treva Parolli-Barnes
Claudine Pasquarello
Kenia Payne
Danita Pelletiere
Ricky Penland, Jr.
Christina Perry
Kelly Pharis
Scott Pirrung
Shari Platt
Donna Pointkouski
Natalie Pointkouski
John Polcari
Harish Polepalli
Erica Ann Poore
Kory Pritchard
Lawrence Pritchard
Robert Pritchard
Thomas E Pritchard
Pro Works, Inc
Lisa Prosachik
Jane M Pullan
Allison Quinn
Carrie Quinn
Donna M Quinn
Roy C Quinn
April and Jac Ragusa
M E Ramirez
Oribel Ray
Bobby and Barbara A Reed
Shaina Reed
Karen Richardson
Jason Rickabaugh
Maria Rivera
Sonia Rivera
Matt Roantree
Franklin and Monica Robinson
Jonathan Rodriguez
Kelly Roscoe
Alec Roselli
Brandy Ruff
Cheri R Ruff
Emmalea Ruff
Zach Rumford
Jeanne Ruoff
William Ruoff
Ruthann Rustay
Brooks Andrew Ryan
Mary Saienni
Warren Salandy
Genielle Salazar
Maryann Sambro
Giovanna Sanchirico
Ron Sandell
Gabriel Sartor
Pablo Sartor
Sebastian Sartor
Dana Saucedo
Michelle Schenning
Tristan Schoendienst
Kristine M Schultz
Jennifer Schweiker
Anthony and Donna Sciarretto
Krista Scott
Brad Joseph Scull
Oren Segev
Segich Family
Mandie Sellers
Elizabeth Senn
Lisa Serrato
Lynn Shedden
Michael Sheehan
Dennis Shellenberg
Robert G Sheu
James Shupp
Robert Shupp
Donald Siok
Kendall Patrick Small
Tonya Smith
Alyssa Southard
Patricia Steehler
Clay Stewart
Marvin L and Patricia A Stewart
Mike Stewart
Matthew A Stone
Tina Strauss
Maureen Stritzinger
David Sullenberger
Teresa J Sullivan
Tyler Sullivan
Diana Szekely
Pat and Jacqueline Szurek
Inez Tarrach
Matthew Taxin
Sharon Taylor
TekSolv, Inc.
Sally Teramura
Catherine Tessein
Ed Tessein
Bernadette Thompson Aaron
Jay Thuer
Luz E Tirado
Caroline Titus
Danielle Tomlinson
Michael Anthony Torres
Donald Tracey
Ericka Traub
Anna L Trego
Christina Trego
Denise Tropiano
Stephen Tropiano
Emily Troutman
Pamela Trudeau
Sandra L Tucker
Chris Tyler
Roland Tyler
Penny Upton
Cindy Valentino
Richard Valentino
Tracey Valentino
Janet Vanderhoff
Michelle D Varner
Greg Vaughn
Sara Velez Ortiz
Kim Verrecchia
Frank Vindigni
Carlos Vizzerra
Manuel Vizzerra
Steve Vizzerra
Dominick Vulpis
Leslie Walker
Craig T Wallace
Margo Wallace
Nancy Wallace
Hunter Wanless
Eden Ward
Kendall Warrington, VI
Christine Waverla
Brien and Kaitlyn Weiss
Christopher Weiss
Fred Weiss
Caitlyn Welker
David B Welker, II
Leanda Welker
Amy Whitford
Lisa Whyte
Aamari Wilson-Campbell
Cheryl Wingo
Steve and Dawn Wingo
Susan Wolfe
Denise Wons
Eugene G Wons
Nicolette Wons
Breanna Worrell
James Worrell
Linda A Worrell
Masatoshi Yamanaka
Patricia Young
Robin Young
LaDonna Zimmerman
Kathleen Zumbar
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爆走黑料 Libraries
The listed individuals and businesses are recognized for generously supporting 爆走黑料 Libraries, and helping to provide services and resources to support the research needs of students.
James Bradley
Sumanth Kaza
Sreekanth Muthyala
Beth Olesh
Rodney Olesh
Kathleen R Silage
Lamont Womack
Careful attention was made in the preparation of the above lists. If we have inadvertently omitted or misstated your name, please let us know of the correction by contacting the Development Office at (302) 356-6889 or
![Thank you, donors!; "The scholarship has served as a source of motivation, affirming that my diligent efforts are recognized and valued, instilling in me the confidence that I can attain any objective I set for myself. Because of the scholarship, I am one step closer to achieving [my] ambitious goals." - Guidance Gunundu, Scholarship Recipient, MS in Information Systems Technologies](/donors/Wilmington-University-testimonial-graphic.jpg)