
Frequently Asked Questions

I've recently been hired as an adjunct instructor at 爆走黑料.  What happens next?

Once the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) receives the New Hire Form from your Program Chair, you will receive an e-mail with the following information:

*It is mandatory that you complete the orientations and all necessary paperwork.  Once you begin teaching you will be required to complete FERPA (through a third party training provider, Traliant) and harassment training (through a third party training provider, Vector Solutions).  This training should be completed before the end of your first month with the University.

Do I need to complete the New Faculty Orientation-Parts 1 and 2?

Yes. All faculty are required to complete the New Faculty Orientation – Part 1.  This orientation contains the required training for teaching at 爆走黑料.  Part 2 contains additional administrative information for all new faculty.  You will receive an email from the Center for Teaching Excellence if you have been selected to teach by a Program Chair.  Once you complete Part I and are assigned a course, you will receive a follow-up email with information regarding the completion of the New Faculty Orientation-Part 2. New Adjunct Orientation. You will receive a link to the online orientation once you have completed Canvas Basic & Advanced training and you have been assigned a course.  You will access the orientation via the WilmU Learning Center (Faculty Onboarding Course).

How will I receive a 爆走黑料 e-mail address and Login Information for the myWilmU (Faculty portal)?

After you have been a selected as potential adjunct instructor, you will receive a WilmU email address and password, along with the information for the New Faculty Orientation-Part 1.  This will be sent to the email you used when submitting your employment application.  This email should then be used as your main contact with the University, including the registration/completion of the New Faculty Orientations – Part 1 and 2.

When can I expect my Teaching Agreement Letter?

Teaching confirmation letters (confirmation of course(s) assigned to you) are sent to your WU e-mail account approximately 2-3 weeks prior to the start of the semester. It is expected that your Program Chair will contact you in advance regarding your teaching availability. You may check your upcoming teaching schedule at any time by logging into your myWilmU (faculty self-service).  Questions regarding your teaching assignments (current and future) should be directed to your Program Chair. 

How much am I paid for my course?

Specific payment amount questions should be directed to your Director or Program Chair. Payment may be adjusted according to lower enrollments.  If you have a question regarding reduced payments, please contact your Program Director or Program Chair.

When can I expect to be paid?

You will be paid on the last working day of the months you are teaching. Those months depend on the type of course you are teaching.

Who do I contact if there appears to be a problem with the information contained in the Teaching Confirmation Letter or Payment Letter?

If you believe there are errors contained in the Teaching Agreement letter, please notify the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) by submitting the
Every effort is made to ensure that your pay has been calculated correctly. If you have a question about your pay, please submit the

How will I receive work from my students?

Faculty are encouraged to have their students submit their work to an assignment that has been created in the Grade Center in Canvas.  If you do not have assignments created in Canvas, please ask your students to email their work to your WilmU email address.  For all other types of student work (that cannot be electronically sent), please contact your Site where you are teaching for assistance.

Where can I find an overview of what is expected of me as an instructor at 爆走黑料?

Teaching Expectations are outlined on the CTE website and covered in New Faculty Orientation.

Where can I find my class roster, current book title and edition, and room location?

The above information can be found in MyWilmU. Login with the username and password that was sent to you from CTE.  The username is your complete 爆走黑料 email address (e.g. jane.e.doe@wilmu.edu).  If you cannot remember your password, at the log in screen for myWilmU, use the forgot password feature.  A temporary password will be sent to your personal email address that is on file.  Follow the directions in that email to update your password.  Questions regarding access to your email (password not valid) should be directed to our Technology Support group at 877-708-2905.  We recommend calling the Help Desk directly instead of emailing them.  If there are any other issues or our Tech Support cannot help, please email facultyinformation@wilmu.edu.

When are my final grades due and where do I submit them?

Final grades are due within 7 days after your last class. Grades are entered online using your myWilmU faculty portal.  The homepage has a direct link to Grade Entry and provides directions for you to follow if needed.  Any changes to grades that have been entered must be changed using the Grade Change Form, available on the homepage of the faculty portal in the Forms section.

If you are using the Grade Entry option in Canvas, you will still need to 'manually' enter your final grades using MyWilmU.

What happens when scheduled face to face class is canceled by the Instructor or the University?

In the event that a schedule face to face class is canceled, it is imperative that all course instructional goals are still met.

If the instructor must cancel a class, the instructor must email all students, using the email option in Canvas for the course being canceled.  In addition, the site where the class is to be held and the Program Chair are to be notified.   If the cancellation is less than 1 hour before the class is to start, please contact the site where the class is being held (in case students arrive).  The contact information for the sites is listed under “clear communication…”.

Clear communication when canceling a class is essential:

Contact Information for Sites

Location Phone #
New Castle Campus 877-967-5464
Brandywine 302-478-2491
Dover 302-734-2594
Georgetown 302-674-8726

When must I take attendance and where is it submitted?

Attendance must be submitted weekly via MyWilmU. The link to the attendance section is available on the faculty homepage. Please review the directions for submitting attendance as the process differs depending on the modality of your course (face-2-face-, hybrid, online).  Please make sure this is done weekly as it is important to retention statistics and student records.

How do I arrange for audio/visual equipment in my classroom?

Some classrooms are equipped with Teaching Stations that include a computer, projector, VCR and DVD player. You should always reserve any AV equipment needed just in case your classroom does not have the Teaching Station. Reservations should be made 2 business days in advance of your class by e-mailing avsupport@wilmu.edu or by contacting the site office directly. Refer to the Helpful Hints for your site for contact information or you may refer to Classroom Technology for additional classroom technology services.

Where can I find specific/contact information for my college?

Information for contacting Deans, Directors, Program Chairs, or other Academic College personnel can be found in the Academics section of the University’s website. Go to Academic Colleges and find the person you want to contact.

Where can I find site specific information?

Information for each site is available at University Locations.