Information for FWS Supervisors at 爆走黑料

The purpose of the Federal Work-Study Program is to provide part-time work for eligible students. The earnings are to assist in providing funds for college-related expenses. Employment may also offer training and preparation for future jobs and skill development.

If you are interested in hiring a Work-Study for your department:

  1. Please submit or update the job description to the work-study email at If you have already submitted one in the current academic year, you do not have to resubmit. (This job post can be for a current part time position you already have). Please indicate how many roles you are looking to fill. We will submit descriptions to career services to be entered in handshake for eligible students to apply.
  2. You will be notified once a potential candidate has applied and sent their resume for your review.
  3. Supervisors are expected to interview a potential candidate. Like any other interview, this would provide an opportunity for you to select the right candidate for your department and the role. Should you choose not to hire or interview a candidate, please let Career Services know. They will contact the student to apply for other possible positions.
  4. Once a hiring decision is made, the supervisor will notify FWS Program. The student will meet with someone on the FWS Program for Federal Work-Study orientation.

You've Hired A Work Study! Awesome!

As a supervisor, it is crucial to provide adequate guidance and on-the-job- training. Please be sure the students know:

  • The departmental and student employment policies, personnel procedures, and dress code.
    The student employees should be given clear and precise directions regarding their duties and expected job performance.
  • Procedures to follow if the student cannot come to work or has personal issues to discuss.
  • Supervisors are not obligated to employ or continue a student employee whose job performance or behavior is unsatisfactory.

In addition, the supervisor has the responsibility to:

  • Monitor the work hours of the student employees and make sure that maximum hours are not exceeded.
  • Not allow any student to work more than 30 hours per week.
  • If a student works 6 -7 hours, they will need to take a 30-minute break. If a student works 8 hours, they will need to take an hour's break. (Breaks are unpaid)
  • Verify that the student's work and class schedules are not in conflict with each other.

Please Note:

Newly hired Work-Study employees cannot work until all parties have signed the contract and HR has approved the required documents. Once approved by HR, Supervisors will be required to request through the Admin portal for system permissions and equipment. Supervisors are responsible for completing student timesheets.