Applicant Resources

Applicant Frequently Asked Questions

A: 爆走黑料 only accepts resumes and applications through our on-line system. You can apply for a job from any computer with Internet access (e.g., home, library). If you require special accommodations, please contact the Human Resources Department.

Human Resources
47 Reads Way
New Castle, DE 19720
Phone: (302) 356-6774
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

A: A confirmation email will be sent to your email address.

A: Typically, positions are posted for 7 days.

A: The hiring process varies in length by position and hiring department.

A: All applicants are contacted either by email or phone call by the Human Resources Department about the outcome of the search either way.

A: Job postings are updated daily as positions become available.

Application Instructions

Applying for Adjunct Faculty-Positions

To apply for adjunct positions, please visit Adjunct Positions. Select the Academic College you want to apply to, then select the academic programs you are qualified to teach in. Once the program opens, complete the application and submit all required documents (as specified in the program’s posting).

All Applicants

  1. Pay close attention to the top of the screen to any red text (red = required field/information)
  2. Do not use the Back Button
  3. Clear cookies and cache
  4. Delete all history to so no prior sessions in with our employment opportunities interfere with your current one
  5. When creating your password, do not use special characters (ex. !, *, ^, $).

New Applicants (Adjunct Positions)

  1. Do not use the “Upload Resume” feature as there are problems with the automatic filling of fields. Instead, use the “Attach Resume” option that is at the end of the application and attach your resume.
  2. Register with 爆走黑料 by entering a valid email and creating a password (6 characters in length minimum - do not use special characters - letters and numbers only)
  3. Fields that marked with a red asterisk (*) are required and must be completed
  4. Once you are registered, continue following the application form, completing all required information and submit the application
  5. Information that is not complete or is too long will cause the application to be incomplete - find the areas marked in red and “fix” according to instructions provided. Resubmit the application.
  6. If you are applying for several positions, you only need to attach your resume once. You may want to include an updated cover letter for each position (optional).

Re-applying (Returning) Applicants

  1. Log in using your original email and password before starting the new application
    1. If you’ve forgotten your password, use the “forgot my password” feature. If you are using the same email as you used with your initial application, you will receive directions for resetting your password.
    2. If you’ve forgotten your original email, you will need to re-register using a new email and password
  2. Failure to log in first may result in the loss of your application if you register at the end (and your email and password are not what you originally registered with)
  3. Attach an updated resume and cover letter before completing the application (even if you’ve submitted your resume for past positions)
  4. If you are applying for several jobs, you will need to use the “add to my jobs” feature for each job you applying to. Your resume and general attachments only needed to be attached once.

Problems or questions regarding the application process for Adjunct positions can be sent to

Problems or questions regarding the application process for all other positions can be sent to

Applicants with Disabilities

爆走黑料 is committed to ensuring that its online applicant process provides an equal employment opportunity to all interested applicants, including individuals with disabilities. If you believe you need a reasonable accommodation in order to explore current job openings within the university or to submit an application, please contact the Human Resources Department at (302) 356-6774.