WilmU's 100% Online Degrees and Certificates
Find inspiration among online programs in the arts and sciences, business, education, health professions, natural sciences, social and behavioral sciences, and technology fields.
- Accelerated B.S. in Health Sciences to M.S. in Health Sciences (HSC)
- Accelerated BS in Animation and 3D to MS in Digital Communication
- Accelerated BS in Communication to MS in Digital Communication
- Accelerated BS in Computer Science to MS in Computer Science
- Accelerated BS in Graphic Design to MS in Digital Communication
- Accelerated BS in Video and Film Production to MS Digital Communication
- Accelerated BS in Web Design to MS in Computer Science
- Accelerated BS in Web Design to MS in Digital Communication
- Accounting & Finance
- Accounting, B.S.
- Animation and 3D
- Applied Behavioral Health
- Applied Business
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Technology, A.S.
- Applied Technology, B.S.
- Behavioral Science
- Biology, B.S.
- BSN to MSN Accelerated Option
- BSN to MSN for Pathway Students Accelerated Option
- Business Analytics
- Business Management, A.S.
- Business Management, B.S.
- Career and Technical Education
- Chemistry, B.S.
- Communication
- Computer Science, B.S.
- Criminal Justice, B.S.
- Cybersecurity, A.S.
- Cybersecurity, B.S.
- Data Analytics, A.S.
- Digital Media
- Early Care and Education (Birth-Grade 2) (Licensure/Certification)
- Education Studies, B.S.
- Early Childhood Education
- Elementary Education (K-6)
- Middle Level Education (Grades 6-8)
- Skilled and Technical Sciences
- Elementary Education (Grades K-6) (Licensure/Certification)
- Environmental Science and Policy
- Finance, A.S.
- Finance, B.S.
- Game Design and Development
- Graphic Design, B.S.
- Health Sciences to MSM or MBA Healthcare Administration Concentration Accelerated Option
- Health Sciences, A.S.
- Health Sciences, B.S.
- Human Resource Management, B.S.
- Information Systems Management
- Interdisciplinary Studies, A.A.
- Interdisciplinary Studies, B.S.
- Law, Policy, and Political Science
- Marketing, B.S.
- Middle Level Education (Grades 6-8) (Licensure/Certification)
- Nursing (RN To BSN)
- Organizational Leadership, A.S.
- Organizational Leadership, B.S.
- Psychology
- RN to BSN Pathway
- Video and Film Production
- Web Design
- Accounting, M.S.
- Administration of Justice
- Applied Family Science
- Applied Technology in Education
- Business Administration (MBA)
- Accounting (MBA)
- Business Analytics
- Business Communication
- Business Technology Management
- Finance (MBA)
- Health Care Administration
- Homeland Security
- Human Resource Management (MBA)
- Management Information Systems (MBA)
- Marketing Management
- Non-Profit Management
- Organizational Leadership (MBA)
- Sustainability
- Computer Science, M.S.
- Cybersecurity, M.S.
- Digital Communication
- DNP with Post-Masters Certificates
- Doctor of Business Administration
- Doctor of Nursing Practice
- Doctor of Nursing Practice + MBA in Health Care
- Doctor of Nursing Practice + MSM in Health Care
- Education Studies, M.Ed.
- Environmental Science
- Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN)
- Health Sciences (HSC)
- Higher Education
- Higher Education Leadership
- Homeland Security
- Human Services
- Information Systems Technologies
- Information Assurance
- Management and Management Information Systems
- Technology Project Management
- Web Design
- Information Technology Project Management
- Instruction: National Board Certified Teacher
- Instruction: Teacher of Reading
- Instruction: Teaching and Learning
- Interdisciplinary Studies in Education
- Management
- Business Communication
- Health Care Administration
- Homeland Security
- Human Resource Management, M.S.
- Management Information Systems, M.S.
- Marketing, M.S.
- Military Leadership
- Non-Profit Management
- Organizational Leadership, M.S.
- Public Administration
- Sports Management
- MSN Leadership to Doctor of Nursing Practice (Accelerated Option)
- Nursing Leadership (MSN)
- Nursing Leadership (MSN) + MBA or MSM in Health Care
- Organizational Learning, Leadership and Innovation
- PhD to DNP
- Professional Studies
- Reading
- School Leadership
- Special Education (K-12)
- 3D for Digital Media
- Accounting Review
- Accounting, Post-Bachelor鈥檚
- Administration in Higher Education
- Advanced Graphic Design
- Advanced Study in School Counseling
- Agile Project Management
- Applied Business Statistics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Biotechnology
- Business Communication
- Case Management for Human Services
- Child Advocacy Studies
- Cloud Practitioner
- Community Engagement
- Compliance
- Conflict Resolution
- Construction Management
- Crime Scene Investigation
- Criminal Justice, Undergraduate Certificate
- Cybersecurity and FinTech
- Data Analytics, Undergraduate Certificate
- Data Visualization
- Digital Education
- Digital Evidence Discovery
- Digital Evidence Investigation
- Digital Marketing
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
- Dual-Credit Advantage Option to Graduate Certificate in Agile Project Management
- Dual-Credit Advantage Option to Graduate Certificate in Management Information Systems
- Dual-Credit Advantage Option to Graduate Certificate in SCADA Cybersecurity
- Dual-Credit Advantage Option to Graduate Certificate in Technology Project Management
- Emergency Management
- Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
- English for Academic Purposes
- English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
- Entrepreneurship/Small Business Management
- Equitable Practices
- Esports
- Essentials of People Management
- Family Nurse Practitioner (Post-MSN)
- Family Science
- Finance, Graduate Certificate
- Financial Management in Human Services
- FinTech
- Forensic Science
- Foundations in Higher Education
- Graphic Design, Undergraduate Certificate
- Health Information Technology (HIT)
- Health Promotion: Fitness
- Healthcare Administration
- Hispanic Cultural
- Holistic Palliative and End-of-Life Care
- Holistic Perspective on Aging and Wellness
- Hospitality Management
- Human Resource Management, Graduate Certificate
- Human Resource Management, Undergraduate Certificate
- Human Trafficking Awareness
- Interdisciplinary Care Management
- Java Programming
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Marketing Analytics
- Marketing Management
- Marketing, Undergraduate Certificate
- Microsoft .NET Applications Development
- National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT)
- Nonprofit Management
- Nonprofit Management
- Organizational Leadership, Graduate Certificate
- Photography, Undergraduate Certificate
- Post MSN Nursing Leadership
- Post-Baccalaureate Legal Nurse Consultant
- Post-Master's Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Certificate and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Combined Option)
- Post-Masters Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Combined Option)
- Post-Masters Nurse Educator Certificate and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Combined Option)
- Post-Masters Nurse Executive Certificate and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Combined Option)
- Post-Masters Public Health Certificate and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Combined Option)
- Project Management
- Reading Specialist
- Sales Administration
- SCADA Cyber Security
- Social Media Management
- Special Education: Autism/Severe Intellectual Disabilities
- Special Education: Early Childhood Exceptional Children
- Special Education: K-12 Teacher of Students with Disabilities
- Sport Analytics
- Sport Media
- STEM Education
- Student Affairs in Higher Education
- Sustainability
- Teaching in Higher Education
- Technical Communication
- Technology Project Management
- Training & Staff Development
- Trauma and Resilience
- Trauma-Informed Approaches
- UX/UI Design
- Video Production
- Web Applications Development
* While not all courses for these degree programs are currently available online, students may begin their program online now. For specific information about when all courses for these programs will be online, click the degree program link.