Rubrics are useful tools to help give effective feedback and fairness in grading across students and instructors. Rubrics provide students with transparency on how assignments are graded to ensure that they focus on criteria that will be assessed. Any subjective assignment with no clear right or wrong answer should utilize a rubric.
Rubric Tool
Canvas has a great too that associates rubrics directly into assignments, discussions, and quizzes, for ease of grading and view feedback. if you are interested in associating rubrics in your course:
To assist you in formulating a rubric for your assignment, please check out these templates. They are based on an analytical rubric design. There is one for undergraduate assignments as well as graduate assignments that are aligned with the .
Here are some examples of rubrics that have been created in the past. Please note that you may need to adjust the rubric to meet your needs.
Blogs |
Discussions Discussion Board Rubric |
Essays and Written Assignments |
Online Debate
Presentations |
Training for the Rubric Tool
WilmU Faculty can register for an instructor-led trainings on the Canvas Rubric Tool in the WilmU Learning Center.