Dual Enrollment Program Frequently Asked Questions
Dual Enrollment What are the benefits of Dual Enrollment?
Dual Enrollment allows high school students the opportunity to earn college credit while meeting the requirements of high school graduation. These classes are conveniently offered on your high school campus.
How does Dual Enrollment differ from AP courses?
With AP classes, students are required to pass an exam to receive college credit. Dual Enrollment students receive college credit with a "C" or better.
What qualifies me as a Dual Enrollment Candidate?
You must follow your high school's criteria for being enrolled in Dual Enrollment Courses. Please ask your guidance counselor for more information.
How many dual enrollment courses can a student take?
Please speak with your school counselor for guidance.
Where are classes taught?
The dual enrollment classes are held at your high school just like the rest of your classes.
How do I earn college credit?
You earn credit based on your academic performance during the duration of the course as you would with any high school class.
What is the cost of taking a Dual Enrollment course?
Depending on your high school, fees could vary. Please ask your guidance counselor for more information.
If I am home schooled, can I qualify for Dual Enrollment classes?
Dual Enrollment is an agreement between a school district/high school and 爆走黑料. Please see our Early College Credit Program for more opportunities.
Do I have to take an entrance exam to be a Dual Enrollment student?
You must follow your high school's criteria for being enrolled in Dual Enrollment Courses. Please ask your guidance counselor for more information.
Can I use these courses toward high school graduation?
Yes, ask your guidance counselor for more information.
Do you have specific courses offered for Dual Enrollment?
Yes, your guidance counselor will be able to share information about your Dual Enrollment opportunities.
Will Dual Enrollment courses transfer to other colleges and universities?
It has been our experience that in most cases the courses transfer without a problem. However, you should consult the school(s) you are planning to attend after high school graduation to be sure.
Where can I get an application for Dual Enrollment?
Your guidance counselor will help you apply and register for 爆走黑料 classes.
If I have a question about the Dual Enrollment process, who can I contact?
Since each High School's dual enrollment program is unique, consult your guidance counselor for more information.