Emergency Procedures
Hostile Intruder
In the event a hostile intruder is identified on University-managed premises, 爆走黑料 will initiate our public address (PA) system and lockdown procedures. Below are examples of what you can expect to hear on the PA system in these situations.
Example Public Address Announcements
Hostile Intruder Alert
Hostile Intruder Alert Audio Transcription
May I have your attention please
May I have your attention please
A hostile person has been cited in the vicinity.
If you are in a building, initiate lock down procedures.
If outside the building, evacuate the area immediately.
Listen to the recorded audio for a Hostile Intruder Alert.
Generic Test Announcement
Generic Test Announcement Audio Transcription
May I have your attention please
May I have your attention
This is a test of the mass notification system.
No actions are required.
This is only a test.
Listen to the audio for a Generic Test Announcement.
All-Clear Announcement
All-Clear Announcement Audio Transcription
May I have your attention please
May I have your attention
The emergency has now ended.
Please resume normal activities.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Listen to the audio for an All-Clear Announcement.
Hostile Intruder Guidelines
Below are recommendations from University Safety to help you know your options in a hostile intruder situation. These are only guidelines, and are not intended to be used in sequential order.
- Keep out of sight and keep out of the line of threat!
- Turn out the lights.
- Lock and barricade the doors.
- Quietly and carefully assess your situation.
- Ask yourself: Is it safer to stay or go?
- Based on your knowledge and assessment of the situation, is it safe to go?
- If it is, then get out of the building and keep going away from danger! Do not stay close to the building if possible.
- When all else fails, prepare to counter-attack.
- Use what you have as a weapon to strike, spray, or throw at the intruder!
- If you are in a struggle with the intruder, keep the intruder's weapon in the direction that presents the least danger to you and/or others if at all possible.