Organizations and Clubs
A part of college life is the personal enrichment obtained outside the classroom through student activities. Through participation in various academic, cultural, social or athletic organizations, students have the opportunity to develop relationships with other students.
Student organizations are listed below, along with Academic Honor Societies. Please feel free to participate in any organization or to propose new organizations to the S.G.A. All clubs and interest groups must secure approval from the Office of Student Life before being formally organized.
Student Organization Policies
All notices and signs must be approved by the Office of Student Life prior to posting.
Student Activity/Event Approval
Any student activity or event must be approved through the Office of Student Life. An Event Approval Form must be completed and submitted to the Office of Student Affairs at least one month prior to the date of the activity/event. This form includes general activity/event information (date, time, location, description of activity/event, how it will be funded, etc.). Funding must be in place prior to the activity/event being approved. No activity/event may be scheduled or marketed until approval has been secured by the Senior Director of Student Life.
Transportation Policies and Procedures
The safety of our students at 爆走黑料 is very important. With this in mind, the University has instituted the following policies and procedures for student travel (see link below). All travelers must abide by these procedures; the Student Code of Conduct found in the Student Handbook as well as all local, state and federal laws.
Clubs and Organizations
Download a copy of WilmU's clubs and organizations.
American Criminal Justice Association-Lambda Alpha Epsilon--Alpha Delta Chi Chapter
The 爆走黑料 Criminal Justice Association provides out-of-class learning experiences, networking opportunities, social interactions, and a sense of camaraderie among the Criminal Justice majors. The association is dedicated to promoting professional standards and a greater understanding of the professionals and agencies devoted to the Criminal Justice field.
Jacob Andrews, Advisor
Booked Up in the College of Health Professions Club
The goal of Booked Up in the College of Health Professions is to bring together Health Professionals to convene and enjoy topic provided discussions through this book club. We will discuss a variety of topics through books, chapters of books, podcast episodes, videos, webinars, and other resources. .
Lisa Drews, Advisor
(302) 356-2022
Cyber Wildcats
The Cyber Wildcats at 爆走黑料 is an organization for students passionate about cybersecurity and technology. The Cyber Wildcats provide opportunities to interact and network with fellow students and professionals, engage in hands-on activities and discussions about current issues in cybersecurity, and develop skills essential for success in the ever-evolving field of information security. Whether you're looking to learn more about ethical hacking, risk management, or the latest cybersecurity trends, the Cyber Wildcats offer experiences that will help you grow as a future cybersecurity expert and prepare you for real-world challenges. To view more details or to sign up, visit the .
Eric Arnoth, Coach
Darryl Santry, Advisor
Digital Film making Club
The purpose of the Digital Film Making Club is to provide members with networking, education, career and portfolio development.
Timothy Day, Advisor
(302) 356-6871
Dover Ambassadors
The Dover Ambassadors assist with University events, provide campus tours, answer questions from the student perspective, and help with student services at the Dover site. Additionally, Ambassadors give back through participating in community service in the area.
Jonathan Mallory, Advisor
(302) 734-2495
Education Club
This organization is for any students who are interested in the education profession and in child development. The Education Club provides opportunities to interact and network, engage in professional discussions, to discuss current issues in education, and to develop experiences leading to the understanding of the educator as a lifelong learner.
Dr. James Boyd, Advisor
(302) 356-6793
Esports Team
爆走黑料 is excited to be launching its first Esports team this Fall and competing in League of Legends and Rocket League. For more information, please contact the Head Coach using the info below or email
Game Club
The Game Club provides a place for 爆走黑料 students to try out a variety of old and new types of gaming entertainment. Connect with us at , and ask to join our Discord!.
Debra Wylie, Advisor
(302) 342-8625
Green Team
The is a volunteer group of students, staff and faculty striving to raise awareness on campus, at home and in the community. The Group is working to establish Sustainability programs that improve environmental quality, decrease waste, and conserve natural resources and energy. Higher education institutions bear a profound responsibility to increase the awareness, knowledge, skills and values needed to create a just and sustainable future. More information regarding the University's GREEN practices and how you can become involved can be obtained by contacting the GREEN TEAM coordinator, Thomas Hurd. It's up to all of us to make this change. Get involved!
Thomas Hurd, Advisor
(302) 295-1180
Multicultural Club
The mission of the Multicultural Club is to foster and enrich 爆走黑料 Students' awareness of diverse cultures. We will offer support and guidance to our members as well as actively participate in functions on and off campus.
Angelina Burns, Advisor
(302) 356-6741
Phi Theta Kappa Alumni Association
The Phi Theta Kappa Alumni Association is open to all transfer students who were inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society at their respective two-year institutions. The mission of the PTK Alumni Association is to continue the Phi Theta Kappa experience at WilmU through networking, professional development, and service. To join the PTK Alumni Association, please fill out .
Aaron Stafford, Advisor
(302) 356-6740
Ping-Pong Club
The mission of the Ping Pong Club is to bring people together who share a love of table tennis. All students are welcome to join and meetings are typically held the last Friday of each month at 5pm in the Pratt Student Center.
Jim McCloskey, Advisor
(302) 356-6880
Pre-Professional Health Club
The purpose of this club is to create an environment to support and guide future healthcare professionals and leaders sharing a common goal. The Pre-Professional Health Club guides students in their future educational pursuits, strengthens student applications through increased opportunities, and promotes healthcare professionals serving our local communities.
Jessica Miller, Advisor
Society for Human Resource Management
The 爆走黑料 Student Chapter—Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is responsible for providing students with an overview and opportunities in the field of human resource management. Membership in the chapter gives the student access to a wealth of knowledge and professional membership in the Delaware SHRM chapter. Benefits available through the Chapter are networking, professional development, leadership development and career opportunities.
Mary Braudis, Advisor
NEW! If you are interested in joining, you can apply online.
Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC)
The functions of the SAAC organization are to emphasize academic opportunities and responsibilities of student-athletes in their college experience; encourage student-athletes to apply what is learned in athletics to their course of study and ultimately, to their career development; assist in the implementation of orientation programs for student-athletes; promote positive relationships between student-athletes and the staff and faculty of the University and the residents of the community; assist in the implementation of programs that will promote a positive image of intercollegiate athletics and the student-athlete.
Derek Buckley, Advisor
(302) 669-6612
Student Government Association
The Student Government Association (SGA) is the primary governing body of all students enrolled at the University. Through SGA, students have a voice in collegiate activities. The SGA is responsible for the formation of all student clubs and for representing students on standing committees of the University. SGA meeting times are published in advance and are open to all students from all student sites. For specific information, contact the SGA Advisor at the New Castle Campus or the 爆走黑料 main office at the other sites.
*NEW! Stay connected to SGA by joining the club's in Canvas.
Taylor E. McCusker, Advisor
(302) 356-6958
Student Legal Association
The purpose of the WU Student Legal Association is to build professional and personal networks for students with their instructors, advisors, and the legal community at-large; to foster personal and academic camaraderie among students; to educate the membership by means of guest speakers from the legal community; to inspire a sense of pride in the community through volunteer opportunities; to prepare members to join the legal community upon graduation with the knowledge and support necessary for success.
Nicole Ballenger, Advisor
(302) 356-6765
Student United Way
The 爆走黑料 Student United Way is a student-run branch of the United Way of Delaware. We are a group of student volunteers devoted to lending our time and talent for the benefit of our surrounding community. Additionally, we work closely with United Way of Delaware to provide them continuing support. Through our efforts, we hope to encourage other students to become both active members of our club and volunteers within their own community. Ultimately, our goal is to inspire our members to continue giving and volunteering beyond their careers at 爆走黑料.
Patty Green, Advisor
(302) 356-6752
The purpose of Team STAC (student taking action collectively) is to help student develop responsibility, leadership skills and give them an opportunity to earn a stipend. This is done by supporting Student Accessibility Services with proctoring exams, assisting students, providing note taking support and other duties assigned by the SAS.
Christyn Rudolf, Advisor
(302) 356-6937
The Pride Club
The Pride Club is an online network through Canvas that promotes awareness, acceptance, tolerance, and support of LGBTQIA+ students and allies.
WildCat Cheerleaders
The 爆走黑料 Wildcat Cheerleaders perform at basketball games, compete in local/national competitions and can be seen at many other campus and community events.
Ashley Mundy, Coach
(302) 356-6817
WilmU Online Book Club
The WilmU Online Book Club gives the opportunity for students, alumni, faculty and staff to build community through participating bi-monthly book discussions. Meetings are held over Zoom and typically in the afternoon. Anyone may join by simply registering for an upcoming meeting. View more details on the WilmU Online Book Club page.
Jim McCloskey, Advisor
(302) 356-6880
WilmU Toastmasters Club
Toastmasters is a member organization whose mission is to empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. They do this by having members practice public speaking skills during monthly or bi-weekly meetings; and by regularly giving speeches and gaining feedback, in a supportive atmosphere. Currently, there are 14,650 clubs in 126 countries, and there are 116 clubs in our district: .
Dr. Adrienne Bey, Advisor
(302) 295-1224
WilmU Toastmasters - Dover
Toastmasters is a member organization whose mission is to empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. They do this by having members practice public speaking skills during monthly or bi-weekly meetings; and by regularly giving speeches and gaining feedback, in a supportive atmosphere.
Young Professionals Association
The Young Professionals Association is open to all current students and alumni (less than 5 years out). The YPA creates, promotes and engages in opportunities that enhance leadership and networking skills while sharing the spirit of philanthropy and school pride. The YPA will foster these skills as students prepare for their roles as future alums.
Donna Hardy, Advisor
(302) 295-1162
Honor Societies
Behavioral Science International Honor Society, Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society
Pi Gamma Mu is an international honor society for eligible Behavioral Science, Psychology, and Organizational Dynamics students. The mission of Pi Gamma Mu is to encourage and promote excellence in the social sciences and to uphold the ideals of scholarship and service.
Johanna Bishop, Advisor
(302) 356-6759
Business Honor Society, Sigma Beta Delta
Sigma Beta Delta is an international honor society for Business, Management, and Administration majors established in 1994 to honor students who have attained superior academic records in business programs in colleges with regional accreditation. This organization exists to encourage and recognize scholarship and accomplishment among business and management students and to promote aspirations toward personal and professional achievement.
A member since 2005, the 爆走黑料 chapter holds induction ceremonies twice a year to formally recognize the academic achievement of the top 20% of that year's business graduates. Inductees are presented with a certificate and official Sigma Beta Delta regalia acknowledging their achievement which is to be worn with their graduation attire at Commencement.
Dr. Patty Claghorn, Advisor(302) 328-9407
Communication Honor Society, National Honor Society Lambda Pi Eta, Alpha Chi Sigma chapter
Lambda Pi Eta was founded by the students of the Department of Communication at the University of Arkansas in 1985, and became the national honor society for outstanding students in communication in 1994. Today, more than 450 chapters can be found nationwide. Students in their junior or senior year are considered for this society based on high academic success and achievement in their studies for a bachelor's degree in communication. Membership is by invitation only, with induction in November of each academic year. New members are presented with a certificate, a Lambda Pi Eta label pin, and a red and white honor cord to be worn with academic attire at their commencement ceremony.
Janice Colvin, Advisor(302) 356-6728
Criminal Justice National Honor Society, Alpha Phi Sigma Eta Beta Chapter
The purpose of this organization will be to promote excellence within the Criminal Justice major. The goal is to prepare students to become scholarly practitioners in their chosen profession. Membership is limited to those students who are Criminal Justice majors. Undergraduate students must have obtained junior status, have a 3.4 cumulative GPA, with a 3.4 GPA in all Criminal Justice courses. Undergraduate students must have also completed 15 Criminal Justice credits at 爆走黑料. Graduate students must have completed their degree with a 3.75 GPA.
Dr. Jacob Andrews, Advisor & Chair of Criminal Justice Program(302) 327-4891
Disability Services, International Honors Society, Delta Alpha Pi, Gamma Alpha Chapter
Delta Alpha Pi is an international honor society that was established to distinguish students who have attained superior academic records while managing personal setbacks. The mission of Delta Alpha Pi is to recognize strength, achievement and pride in these students. DAPi also sponsors activities and service projects throughout the academic year.
Christyn Rudolf, Advisor
(302) 356-6937
Education International Honor Society, Kappa Delta Pi
The 爆走黑料 Chi Phi Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi is an International Honor Society in Education. The society elects those students to membership who exhibit high ideals in scholarship, high personal standards, and promise in teaching.
Thelma Hinds, Advisor
(302) 356-6983
Epsilon Pi Tau Honor Society/Delta Lambda Chapter
Epsilon Pi Tau is an international honor society that encourages academic excellence of students in fields devoted to the general study of technology and the preparation of practitioners for the technology professions. It recognizes and provides services to students in degree and certificate programs in accredited higher education institutions offering associate through doctoral degree programs. It provides recognition of individuals for achievement and leadership, and is a medium for professional development. Membership in Epsilon Pi Tau is open to technology students and professionals with careers in technology. Students are considered for membership in this International Honorary Society because of their academic excellence. Only those individuals who have shown scholastic success are considered.
Cheryl Wilmore, Advisor
Human Services Honor Society- Tau Upsilon Alpha National Organization, Nu Chapter
Tau Upsilon Alpha (TUA) National Human Services Honor Society, Nu Chapter, is open to graduate students in the Administration of Human Services program. Students who have completed at least 24 credits, have a 3.5 GPA or higher, and are in the top 35% of their class are invited for membership. The purpose of TUA is to honor academic excellence; to foster lifelong learning, leadership, and development; and to promote excellence in service to humanity. TUA also sponsors a Service Society, which is open to any student who is interested in engaging in community service projects.
Allan Zaback, Advisor
(302) 327-4864
Legal Studies Honor Society, Lambda Epsilon Chi
Lambda Epsilon Chi (LEX) was established in 1994 to recognize those individuals who have demonstrated superior academic performance in an established program of paralegal/legal studies. In order to apply for induction into Lambda Epsilon Chi prospective students must: Complete two-thirds of their LES core courses (33 credits for bachelor; 18 credits for certificate); Achieve an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher in their LES courses; Submit an application; and write an essay(s) on an assigned topic and formal recommendation from the Legal Studies Advisory Board.
Liberal Studies National Honor Society, Alpha Sigma Lambda, Delta Chi Omega chapter
Alpha Sigma Lambda is the largest adult nontraditional student honorary society in the United States, serving the adult student population for more than 60 years following its founding at Northwestern University in Chicago. This society recognizes the special achievement of select Interdisciplinary Studies associate and bachelor's degree students who accomplish high academic excellence while maintaining commitments to family and career. Chapters can be found in both private and public colleges and universities across the county. Membership is by invitation only, with induction in April of each academic year. New members receive a certificate, and can buy an Alpha Sigma Lambda label pin, an honor stole, and a burgundy and gold honor cord to be worn with academic attire at their commencement ceremony.
Kate Cottle, Advisor(302) 356-6841
Nursing, International Honor Society, Omicron Gamma Chapter Of Sigma Theta Tau
Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) is a non-profit organization which recognizes superior achievement in nursing. In addition, STTI fosters high professional standards and the development of leadership qualities, encourages creative work, and strengthens commitment to the ideals and purposes of the profession. Omicron Gamma is the 爆走黑料 chapter of STTI. Membership is by invitation only. Induction occurs in the spring of each year.
Angie Steele-Tilton, Co-Advisor
(302) 356-2021
Psychology International Honor Society, Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology
Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, was established by charter at Yale University in 1929. The honor society now has over 700,000 members and is the largest student psychological association in the world. The mission of Psi Chi is to "encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology".
Kelly Cheeseman , Advisor
(302) 327-4844
Science and Mathematics Honor Society, Sigma Zeta
Sigma Zeta was founded at Shurtleff College in Alton, Illinois, in 1925 by three members of the science staff. These three men, who may be justly regarded as the founders of the society, are Elmer E. List, professor of biology and geology; J. Ellis Powell, mathematics; and Ralph K. Carleton, chemistry. Sigma Zeta's membership includes individuals from all science and mathematics disciplines. The organization provides an excellent avenue for students and faculty to grow as scientists through cross-disciplinary discourse. Membership is by invitation only, with induction in May of each academic year. New members will receive a certificate of membership and be given the opportunity to purchase a membership pin (or Blue and Gold tie tack) and/or a graduation medallion to be worn with academic attire at their commencement ceremony.
Milton Muldrow, Advisor
(302) 356-6835